Frequency with Michael Edwards

16. Achieving 10x Results Without 10x Effort: Activating Your Frequency for Quantum Growth

Michael Edwards Season 1 Episode 16

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In today’s episode, I’m diving deep into the secrets of achieving extraordinary results by shifting your frequency—not by working harder. Whether you're an entrepreneur striving for six-figure months or a business leader looking to break past your current ceiling, this conversation will shift how you approach success.

I’ll guide you through the paradigm shift that makes scaling your business possible without the stress and overwhelm. We’ll explore how your frequency, not just your effort, determines your next level of results, and why staying in the same energy keeps you recreating the same life. By the end of this episode, you’ll feel empowered to start living and operating in a frequency that matches the success you truly desire.

Key Topics Covered:

  • How to achieve massive results without burning out.
  • Why staying in the same frequency limits your potential.
  • How to map out who you are at the next level of growth.
  • The key shifts required to break through your glass ceiling.
  • Real stories of quantum leaps made by entrepreneurs when they shift into a new frequency.

This episode is all about moving from the grind into ease—tuning into the version of you that’s already aligned with the success you dream of. You don’t want to miss this one!

Special Invitation: Sign up for my complimentary lunar meditations and make powerful energetic shifts as you align more deeply with your intentions.

Find out more about working with Michael and connect here:

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Michael Edwards Show. I'm so excited to talk to you today about this topic of using your frequency to achieve your next level 10X results without having to 10X your output and your effort. And this is such an important and beautiful piece of the puzzle and what I work on. And I wanna talk about this because I constantly am having these conversations with high-level entrepreneurs doing six-figure to high, multi-six-figure and seven-figure months that have the vision for the next level in their business and can see what it is that they would like to create. But I often watch people go about recreating the same results and, although those results might be really great, objectively they're not the leap that they're looking for. And this has a lot to do with the paradigm that we're operating in. And so if we're operating in this certain paradigm and everything's a frequency, so I'm on this frequency of what I'm on. I'm building business a certain way. I'm running my life a certain way. I'm showing up in my relationships a certain way. My leadership looks a certain way. My pricing looks a certain way, the way that the scale at which I think looks a certain way. My leadership looks a certain way. My pricing looks a certain way, the way that the scale at which I think looks a certain way. And so, without changing our frequency, all of those things staying the same, even if we approach a new idea, a new vision, a new iteration. Maybe we're going from brick and mortar to online, or maybe we're restructuring our business, or maybe we're creating this online-offline hybrid kind of thing, right, maybe we're bringing in coaching, want to go and what we want to create.

Speaker 1:

But if we stay at that same frequency where all of those things are the same, the way that we're operating, it doesn't matter how brilliant that next idea is. It will come about in the same way the same level of effort, the same level of results, the same level of everything that's existing, the same level of difficulty with employees, the same level of results, the same level of everything that's existing, the same level of difficulty with employees, the same level of sacrifice from your personal life, all of it. It will look exactly the same. And this is what happens, where we get stuck in these kind of proverbial loops where we're just recreating the same life experience in a new business, and this will happen over and over again until we really change that frequency and get into a new way of being.

Speaker 1:

So I'm going to talk to you first about one of the main things that I do when I do this with people, which is to really map out who you are at that next frequency iteration. So we always like to we always like to use money as a measure for this, not because it's all about the money, but because money is very reflective of who we're being in our result. And when we do make that frequency shift and we break the pattern of who we've been being, we are going to see that reflected deeply in increased financial results. So if you were to picture what that next level result for you is and it should be a number that's scary, it should not be something that you can kind of go, oh well, it would be easy for me to make another 50K a month or whatever. We want this to be a huge number that really brings out this side of you. That's like it excites me and it scares me and I don't know how I would do it, and what we want to do is really set the intention to live in that frequency and in that version of ourselves.

Speaker 1:

So intentions are decisions made in energy and we have to be able to hold this with willpower, and so this is where a lot of people really lose their ability to kind of follow through is that we have to be able to hold that frequency no matter what, and so the old paradigm, who we've been being, that old frequency of the way that we've been thinking, of the way that we've been operating, of the results that we've been getting, is going to push back hard, and it's mostly going to push back through fear, uncertainty and through your mind, and so the mind is going to say, well, it's not practical, I can't do this. It doesn't make sense that I could 10x my business and not have to do all this extra effort, because the paradigm that you've been operating in exists where effort and that result are so deeply linked, and so those are two things that would have to be unlinked. So one of the differences that I want to draw attention to here is that in a more traditional paradigm, we might think about this like a goal, and so we might have the goal to change our business in this way or create this result in our life, and we get that. We have to stay laser focused on the goal, but the part that we might be missing in that is who you are when you're looking at it, and this is where the energy and the frequency piece comes in, because who you are when you're looking at that makes the biggest difference of all. So if you're in this frequency of everything's been hard, it's been really hard to find help, it's been really hard to scale. I've hit all of these ceilings. The governing body that I work with is limited, then you're not going to be able to create this new reality that exists within so much spaciousness and so, no matter how much work we do and how much we grind and how much effort we put in, we won't be able to create that result from that old place. So we have to really use our willpower to live in that new frequency, in that new way of being, to create that reality and that life, create that reality and that life. And so I'll give you an example.

Speaker 1:

Something that I hear from people all the time is but it's so hard to find good help, it's so hard to find good people. Nobody has the work ethic, nobody has the skill, nobody has the genius, nobody has the whatever. And what I always reflect back to people is but who were you when you were looking? Were you in that next level paradigm? Were you living in that expanded state of ease and possibilities and next level potentiality? Or were you in that contracted state that you've been living in, where things have been hard, where you've hit all of these glass ceilings? We are not going to be a match for the best people when we're operating as a contracted version of ourselves. We're not going to be able to find those people.

Speaker 1:

And this is the thing that can be kind of paradoxical and difficult for the mind to understand is that when we start to think like this and we've been really mentally driven it just doesn't make sense. It's like, well, that's a nice dream, that's a nice wish, but it seems like a complete implausibility and what we've kind of got to get past there is that who you are when you're looking at it is limiting what you're going to see. All of the pieces are actually already in front of you. Your whole life doesn't have to change. You don't need to access to this whole new world that you've never seen before. And this is what people imagine. This is what our mind does. We imagine that we're here and this place that we want to go is so far away and there's all of this stuff that we would have to do and learn and all these people we would have to hire and it'd be so hard. But that's just an illusion of the mind. That next level version that you can see right now is available to you right now. You just have to see your current situation with new eyes and this is the key. All of the pieces that you need are already in front of you. You're just not seeing them. We have to see through new eyes and when we see through new eyes, new possibilities unfold and it can feel like magic.

Speaker 1:

And this isn't just something that's like a theory or a concept. This is something that I'm constantly working on with my clients and seeing people make quantum leaps quantum leaps in their businesses and in their lives and things. I just worked with someone who had this dream and this vision and he was talking about it like it was so, so far away and I said no, no, you can't look at it like that. You've got to start bringing it into now. You've got to start operating in the energy of. I have done this, I'm already doing this. Who are you at that frequency? What steps are you taking? And he started to work in the way that I instructed him to, and all of these opportunities came in. It was like one thing after another, after another, after another, and suddenly this dream that seemed like it would be at least two years away is starting right now and that exists for all of us at all times.

Speaker 1:

It's our ability to be willing to put down what we've known, to be willing to put down what has gotten us to where we are. And this can be really difficult, especially when we are high, six-figure, multi-seven-figure, eight-figure earners, because what we know has gotten us so far. But what you know is also what's creating the glass ceiling. That's what glass ceilings are. They're invisible barriers and they're not in the practical and this is one of the hardest things to really get and take on board is that if you had the answers in your experience right now, you would have already solved the problem. So it's not a mental problem, it's not a this or that, it's a frequency problem. You've got to shift your frequency into that next level identity, that next level version, that next level thing that you're creating, and almost solve backwards, because that's where you're going to be, where you're going to match with the billionaire who's going to be an investor, the person who's the genius tech wizard who's going to be able to bring that thing. That's when you're going to match with the best people.

Speaker 1:

And I will tell you this is such a telltale sign for me. When people say that it's hard to find good people, or it's hard to find talented people or help or whatever, that is a you problem, that is a frequency problem and possibly also a leadership problem. Those two things are intertwined because there are extraordinary people that are already, if not directly connected to you, then only one degree of separation away, that could come in like that and help you create the vision and what you want to create. Next, it's just you're blocking them energetically. And when we let go of those blocks and obviously this is a surface level conversation today, I mean, I do a lot of this deeper work in my world but when we let go of those blocks, those unconscious and energetic blocks that are stopping us from matching with those people, places, situations, opportunities, things can change so so quickly. And again, it's not about intellectually seeing it, because that's not shifting the frequency.

Speaker 1:

So, whatever frequency you're on, like I talked about in the beginning, whatever problem you try to solve, at that frequency you're just going to recreate the same thing in the big picture. And so part of this for a lot of people is really going to be recognizing how much ease it can come with, how much more ease it can come with. And so when I do this with clients and we quite literally map out what that looks like at that frequency, who we are, how we're showing up as what life looks like, something that comes up for a lot of people is well, I'm doing so much more self-care, I'm drinking coffee and watching sunset in the morning. I'm traveling so much more. I'm working from Greece, I'm only working half days, I have this team, all of these things.

Speaker 1:

And it's funny because everybody says this and everybody feels a little bit like it's a wish or maybe like it's selfish or a little bit self-indulgent, but it's actually very indicative of who we are at that frequency, at that higher level frequency where we're making more money and we're doing these higher level exchanges. And it's really interesting because it has to do with how we see ourselves and how we relate to ourselves. And so, if you think about money, what is money? Money is a currency and it's a representation of value. So when we look forward and we see ourselves in this frequency and we see ourselves making more money and having this more successful business and more freedom. And we're doing things like taking better care of our health, giving ourselves more freedom, giving ourselves more spaciousness. It's because we value ourselves in that frequency that we're moving towards On some deep level, spiritual, intuitive level. When you do this with people, they understand that at that next level of growth they value themselves enough to give them those things and that's why the money is a match for that level, because money is a representation of value. So it's not that people with more money value themselves more. It's that people that value themselves more have more money because they're the energetic match for that.

Speaker 1:

And so a lot of the times what we do is and you can see the contrast in frequency right now is we have this vision. And when I get there, when I get to this level, I'm going to live this way. I'm going to have more time, freedom, more location freedom, more spaciousness, because I value myself, whether I consciously realize that or not. I value my time more, I value my health more, I value myself more, my services, my gifts, whatever. But I'm trying to create it in this paradigm where I sacrifice all my time and energy. So I think if I keep burning the candle at both ends and spinning the wheels, then I'm going to somehow grind myself there and then, when I get there, things will change. But that's not how it works. We just create more of the same. And so when we're doing this really from the frequency first perspective, which is going to be the fastest way to get there we have to start valuing ourselves in those ways that we imagine that we'll be at that frequency and that's actually what's going to help us access the version of ourself that's going to get us there.

Speaker 1:

And you can very quickly see this reflected in people's pricing. A lot of the time. A lot of times, I work with businesses and there's been this price cap and there's been this resistance and there's all this emotional stuff that comes up and there's this and that and the market and all these things. But something happens when you start to really value your time, and all wealthy and successful people really value their time and so it's very easy to attach a high dollar amount to that time. Not because they go oh, my time is worth this much and you should justify it, it's simply because I value it. That was a huge thing that shifted for me when I became more successful.

Speaker 1:

Is I just value my time so deeply that it's a non-question there has to be a high dollar amount attached to it, because I value my time and it doesn't matter if you value it to the degree that I value it, because that's fine, you don't have to pay me. There's money coming from lots of places, right? But that is a different frequency mindset than when we're in this place where we're like, well, I've just got to run, I'm sacrificing. We're in this place where like, well, I've just got to, I just got to run and sacrifice and give all the way to these things and it's like, eventually I'll get there and then I'll create the space. No, start creating the space now. Start valuing yourself now. If you don't value yourself, if you don't value who you are, what you have to offer? Your time, your energy. This is why standards and boundaries also become such a big thing at higher levels of success because people value their energy. It's not that they had to go through this whole thing of I've got to really practice and hold these boundaries. It's when we just value ourselves more deeply. We're not going to give our energy to that.

Speaker 1:

Whenever I see drama, it's like that's it, you're done, you're out of my life. There's no second chances, there's no room for anything. It's just drama gone Out out out. There's no room for anything, it's just drama gone out out out. There's no space in my life for drama. And the highest functioning people that I work with are exactly like that. It's something that I learned from them and I remember actually had a conversation with I think she was a kind of consultant and she worked with ultra high net worth individuals and she was saying to me she was like in those circles, you only get one strike, there cannot be any issue, there cannot be any drama, there cannot be. You just basically can't fuck up because people just have zero patience and zero tolerance for the nonsense that exists at other frequencies.

Speaker 1:

And so you can look at that and really start to be like okay, well, how do I embody more of that now? How do I bring more of that into my life? Oh, well, in this version of the future that I imagine, I imagine that I'll operate this way. Well, why? Why do I imagine that I'll, you know, watch the sunsets and drink coffee? Why do I imagine that I'll travel more. Why do I imagine that I'll have better boundaries and create more space? Oh well, because I value my time, because I'll have the space to value my time and my health and all of these things more. And so we can reverse engineer that and go oh, actually it's me at that frequency that I can already see in my mind's eye that's going to create the life that I desire now. Well then, my job can become to live at that frequency, to start valuing myself more now, to start creating time more now. And that's what happens is, as we value ourselves more, it only makes sense that the money and the growth and all of the things come.

Speaker 1:

And as we sort of do this all the time with clients and you know people will people battle me on this Like you wouldn't believe. No, it's not going to work. You don't understand my industry, you don't understand my business. It doesn't work like that. It doesn't work like that. And eventually I convinced them to to try. I don't actually convince them and just eventually come in and to try it my way. And in all kinds of industries and all kinds of businesses and all kinds of situations I see this happen and I can't figure it out. I don't know their industry, but I know how to get them into that frequency, that next level version of themselves that's then going to create that life. And they'll come back to me and I'm talking in days and weeks and they'll say I had this realization, I could do it like this. And then, as soon as I realized that, this person phoned me and they said, hey, I had this idea and I want to collaborate. And they go oh yeah, I entertain this collaboration. And then I realized it's exactly in the thing. And then I realized that we could use this framework that I used from this other part of my business and I'm recognizing I could really do this. We could really 10x this without me having to work harder than I'm working now. And it's like that's it. That's the point.

Speaker 1:

So all of the arguments that you threw up were moot right, but they seem so real, particularly when we're used to operating purely from the frequency of mind, when we're used to cerebralizing everything that we do. It doesn't seem possible. But that's the way the mind works. The mind creates a model from the future based off the past. So if the results that you want don't exist in the past, then your mind can't really project what that would look like. So we have to do it with energy. We have to shift into the version of ourselves that's already living, operating, breathing, thinking, identifying.

Speaker 1:

My friend taught me this and this is actually becoming a core thing too in my work is you can't outperform your identity, you can't outperform your self-concept when you're living in that version who already has that standard and that boundary and says I live like this, there is no exception, there's no wobble, there's no room for anything else. You go about creating that when you're living and you're identifying as a version of yourself that doesn't have that and settles for less, whatever that may look like and this is the thing is that what settling is changes right. It's like climbing up a ladder. What you once had to reach for with your foot as you climb the ladder eventually becomes the lowest thing that your foot is on. And it's the same with tears in our life and if we don't constantly put ourselves in new rooms and new experiences and open our minds to new levels of possibility, we get stuck.

Speaker 1:

And I see this so often when people first become millionaires. I have a lot of clients that come to me that they became a millionaire. They got their business to that level and then this thing came in where they felt like, well, this is enough. And then a couple years in they go backwards and they go into contraction and it's because they stopped growing, they stopped evolving into more. And again, it's not purely about the money and just accumulating more money, it's just about the growth. We're meant to grow. We're meant to grow, we're meant to actualize.

Speaker 1:

And especially once we create that space in our lives and that freedom, that financial freedom, that time freedom, that location freedom, we really start to tap into our purpose. And our purpose is linked to our gifts or whatever our unique gifts are. And when we start to master our gifts and live our purpose and kind of have that come through us, it ignites our vital force, energy, like people come alive when they're doing their purpose work, and that comes from expansion. It doesn't come from staying the same. When I was less experienced in this work, people would always come and argue with me and they'd always say, no, I've got enough and I'm doing this work and I'm realizing, I'm happy with what I have and I just need to be grateful. I can tell you, I can tell you every single person who had that argue with me went crazy into a massive phase of contraction and misery.

Speaker 1:

It is, and it's again. It's because we want to apply all of these superficial frameworks to it and go. It's greedy to want more blah, blah, blah. You should just be happy with your have. All of that is BS. It's not about any of that. It's about you expanding into the full expression of who you are and who you came here to be, into the full expression of who you are and who you came here to be, unlocking your gifts, actualizing into your purpose and creating waves of positive impact.

Speaker 1:

I have this concept in my world called infectious prosperity, and it's not just enough for us to be prosperous. It's that we have to be so prosperous that we infect other people with our prosperity, that it overflows into other people. And I'm not just talking about from money alone. I'm also talking about generosity, love, kindness, positivity, whatever it is it's like. Can we hold such a higher vibrational state of overflow in all the ways that it's not just for us that it transforms the world around us? And that's what starts to happen.

Speaker 1:

And so many clients that I've worked with have bought their parents homes and they've paid for surgeries, life-saving surgeries for loved ones that are not available for the public to access and all of these incredible things, and have built, you know, orphanages in Africa or retreat centers for women's recovery and are doing all of these incredible things. And that's what happens Most people who are on a journey of growth. They get the things the mansion, the car, the nice things but it goes so far beyond that, and money and the generosity, the infectious prosperity becomes this thing where who we are in our hearts, the goodness, the full expression of who we are, is something that overflows into the world with impact and that comes with growth. That doesn't come to getting to this tier that I thought was enough and then telling myself it's enough and just being happy. It comes with continual growth and I want to say that this exists at every level, but I really am speaking to it more and more from this very high performing level because it's actually kind of sad.

Speaker 1:

Is it sad? Yeah, it is. I feel kind of sad because I see so many people who hit this really high level and create amazing things and then they either go into contraction because all of this stuff comes up where they're like it should be enough, it should stop here, whatever. Or they mentally see where they want to go and they do all of this work, reorganizing their businesses or reorganizing our lives, and then just end up in the same cycle, the same cycle of sacrificing our energy, our life force, energy, our health, whatever it is doing something that's misaligned, or we have these continual problems with staff or whatever it is. And it's sad because there's so much energy and effort going into making these changes, because we can see what we want in our lives. But this is the whole thing too. This is kind of another conversation to go into.

Speaker 1:

But desires we mess around in our heads so much about desires we go. Is it right? Should I want that? Is it too much? Should I just be happy with what I have? Can I talk myself out of the desire?

Speaker 1:

You know what you desire and the thing about the desire. It's not even about the desire. It's about the direction that you need to go in order to grow into the next iteration of yourself, literally the things that you desire. It's not even about the thing. It's that if you honor that desire and you go in that direction direction through the contrast of life you will be forced to face shadows and limitations and you'll be forced to grow into the version of yourself that can hold that thing, that can create that thing and that's a match for that thing. And that's the point. It's not about the thing, and if you've ever had this experience, which we all have, you think you want this thing, you think it's so important, you get there and it's not as great as you thought it would be, because it's never been about the thing. It's about who you become on the journey towards the thing. So honor your desires. Your desires are yours, they're from your heart, they're from spirit. It's not selfish to create your desires. It's the most soulful, beautiful thing in the world that you can do because you're expanded in the process. And the world needs more people who are fully expanded into this truth of who we are. And we become that by following our desires. We become that by becoming the person who rises and grows in the faces of challenges that life presents us. And life doesn't present us those kinds of challenges when we're just snuggled up on the couch not doing anything. Life presents us those challenges, those opportunities, those edges for growth when we're growing and leaning into our desires. There's never a time to grow, like when you're moving towards and creating your desires.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to be welcoming new people into my mastermind, lux Familia. This is going to be for high level entrepreneurs and I'm going to have actually some guests. So if you think that that might be a good fit for you and you want to come to a couple of sessions, you can send me a message and then I'm also available for work one-to-one and you can just send me a message and I can give you details about that. But there is so much cool stuff happening in my world right now, like the results that I've been getting with clients recently have always been amazing. Those of you that know me have known me for a long time now that but we've really taken it up into this like next level frequency and identity work in business. I've helped a woman recently crack the ceiling. She could not get past 60K months in her business and she's done multiple 100K months just back after back after back, and it's been so easy. What else have we had? I had this C-suite CEO double his salary and this amazing entrepreneur who's exactly what I'm talking about today who had hit this incredible high and was in contraction and was looking in the wrong direction and trying to get back to where she was, really, reignite this vision of the big thing, of what it is that she's creating, and she's completely on a new trajectory and a new path and so many incredible things are coming in.

Speaker 1:

And again, I want you to really see this it's not about the money. We tend to think about this like focus on them. It's not about that. The money comes as a byproduct of the growth of who we're being and how we value ourselves. So it's all about that. So maybe just spend some time in contemplation. Who would I be at that next level frequency? How would I operate? How would I think? How would I have to value myself? I'll tell you one more thing.

Speaker 1:

My friend, danielle Amos, told me this incredible story about how her mentor, bob Proctor, basically had. You know, he did these kind of like money mindset seminars and he had some family that were really struggling and he said to them one Christmas I think they said, oh, it'll be different next year and he said no, it won't. No, it won't because you're not going to change. And they were kind of taken back by that and he invited them to one of his seminars and that seminar cost an entire month's salary for them. And anyone that's here, that's in the coaching or healing and helping industry, knows that we often feel so much guilt about taking people's money. It's right if people can't afford it. I know I used to feel like that, like, oh, my goodness, oh, like you know, keep your money, you can just come, you'll have to pay. But no, he took their entire month's salary. He took every penny, charged them full price because he knew the value of what it was and that it would change their life and that they had to pay for it to really value it. And they went on to completely rewrite their financial situation within, I think, less than a year and became millionaires and built this business and bought all these houses.

Speaker 1:

But I want to ask you this if you're an entrepreneur or you have a service-based business, who would you have to be to value yourself and what you offer to that degree that you would be willing to take someone's last dollar? Not from a place of greed or something bad or whatever we're just going to get rid of even those ideas and concepts in our world but because we value what we offer so much and we value the impact and the value and the transformation, the, whatever it is that it brings to someone's life, that we actually feel good about that, because we feel so good about the decision that they're making with their money to choose us, that right there, whatever the answer to that is, is the difference in frequency between where you are now and that next level result version of yourself. So contemplate that. I hope this has been helpful. I am sending you so much love. Thank you so much for joining me today.

Speaker 1:

My name is Michael Edwards. If you're new here in my world joining me for the first time, leave me a comment and say hello. Thank you so much for joining me today. I appreciate your presence. I appreciate your time. I appreciate your energy. Just remember that anything is possible for you. I am sending you so much love and bye for now.