Frequency with Michael Edwards

Virgo New Moon Meditation - Grounding Intentions into Reality & Connecting to your Authentic Truth

Michael Edwards

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This Virgo New Moon offers a powerful moment to ground the transformative energies from recent lunar events into your everyday reality.

Join me in this meditation to:
✨ Ground your highest intentions into the Earth’s energy.
✨ Align with your core values and personal truth.
✨ Release perfectionism and self-criticism, replacing them with self-love and trust.
✨ Balance the divine feminine and masculine energies within.

Set your intention to bring your visions into the 3D, honouring your unique path and purpose. After the meditation, take a moment to journal and reflect on your experience.

To join for future meditations register here:

Sending you love and light! 🌟

Special Invitation: Sign up for my complimentary lunar meditations and make powerful energetic shifts as you align more deeply with your intentions.

Find out more about working with Michael and connect here:

Speaker 1:

This lunar cycle especially, there's a lot of coming back to intention, coming back to our core values, and it's actually a really beautiful time because we've had the Leo full moon, we've had some Capricorn moons, we've had cancer and we've had the Lionsgate portal. So there's been all of this incredible energy and all of this incredible energy of creation. There's been all of this incredible energy and this, all of this incredible energy of creation. It's just kind of like up there in the ethers, all all this craziness, all this change, all of this energy. And then Virgo we have this opportunity to really ground that energy and to really bring it in, not in the like doing way of Capricorn, but in this like earthy, practical way, where we kind of drop into this unity between the divine, feminine and masculine and we really move into this sustainable, embodied way of being is what it feels like to me and we get to really check in with where we're honoring our standards, where we're connected to our inner truth and where we're really just living in alignment for us, for ourselves, for the truth of who we are, bringing our vision and our mission into reality. And so this is always a really beautiful season. I love Virgo season because of this energy and this new moon feels extra special because of that.

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So I'm so excited for you to join me today, and I really invite you to set the intention for this of really bringing in everything that you've been creating conceptually, energetically, that you're grounding it into the earth grid, into the practical and into sorry, my notifications are going crazy here, I'm just muting everything and into the 3D, into reality.

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And not just bringing those things into reality, however, but really honoring your standards, your way of living, your personal alignment, your personal blueprint for success and what that looks like for you. And I invite you to spend some time journaling after today's meditation. So, without any other delays, we'll just get right to it, okay, so really just dropping in, dropping into your body, dropping into your being, arriving in this moment, right now, remembering there is only one now the now that is eternally unfolding. Bring all of yourself back to the now, becoming more present, with every now that passes, already feeling that beautiful, loving energy starting to present itself, Starting to present itself An opening to receive Open heart, open body, open body, open mind, open to the truth of who you are, open to receive the messages your highest self has for you, open to receive guidance, attunement and higher vibrational love and light.

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Let's start by bringing in a beautiful, soft, golden, yellow, loving, grounding energy from the field around us, like threads of glowing spider silk. Bringing in that soft, golden, grounding energy, energy in on the in-breath, releasing any resistance on the out-breath, releasing any resistance on the out breath, that beautiful, soft, yellow, golden, stabilizing, grounding energy, welcoming it into your body, into your being. And with this energy and intention, I am releasing any need to analyze or figure out from the frequency of mind. I am remembering to tune in to the truth within my heart. I am releasing any connection to perfectionism that limits my ability to experience joy. I am releasing any part of me that is overly perfectionist, that interferes with my ability to complete tasks or to enjoy myself and my success. I am releasing any energies that I hold within my being that caused me to become overly critical. I am releasing any need for criticism and activating instead my sacred power of discernment. I am releasing any energies that I hold within my body, within my being, that cause me to become self-critical. I am embracing the frequency of love as I love myself and accept myself more deeply, and accept myself more deeply as I more deeply love and accept the truth of who I am, the truth of who I am surrounded with so much love. I am releasing any parts within me that stop me from feeling satisfied. I am connecting to my ability to experience desire and gratitude simultaneously. I am embracing my ability to feel gratitude in every now, to feel love in every now, to feel joy in every now and my ability to expand in every now, to grow in every now, like a seed that grows into a great tree, to become more and more of myself in every day and every moment that passes.

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I am releasing any energies or attachments within my being that bring up an unhealthy need for control. I am releasing the need to control as I activate my divine gift of trust. I am surrendering into trust. I am surrendering into the river of life. I am surrendering. I know that I am loved. I know that I am loved. I know that I am supported. I know that, when I live from my highest truth, that everything I need appears to support me within my experience. I am trusting myself, trusting in the universe and trusting in the lessons that are being brought into my awareness for my highest growth.

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I am attuning to the path of my highest growth. I am aligning to it, I am embracing it. I am embracing it, I am welcoming it, I am excited for it. I am excited for growth. I love to grow, I love to expand, I love to become all that I truly am. I love to become the version of myself that fulfills the mission and purpose that I came here for.

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I love to live a life that is extraordinary, a human experience that is like no other, and I am here for all of it when it's beautiful, when it's hard, when it's happy, when it's sad. I am here for all of it and I grow through all of it. I am grateful to be alive, I am grateful for growth, and as I grow and as I grow, I am releasing the relationships that no longer serve me and I am releasing myself from any guilt or shame that comes up around this. I am choosing to deeply, powerfully honor my standards, to uphold the values of highest good and highest love for all, and this includes my own self-respect. My self-respect is non-negotiable. As I code in self-love, I am also deeply, deeply coding in self-respect, respect, knowing that, as I live this, as I embody this within my being.

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It is for the. I deeply respect and honor myself and I am releasing any attachments, relationships, situations or energies that are not in alignment with this intention. To all that is not in alignment, I am saying goodbye. More light in on the in-breath, more light, more love, more openness in your heart, more truth within your being. I am tuning in to the truth within myself. I am remembering the truth of who I am and I am releasing any views of myself that are not my own. I am choosing to live in deep integrity with myself. I am choosing to live in deep integrity with myself. I am choosing to live in deep integrity with my values. I am committing to myself right now, through my energy and through my being, that I will deepen the ways in which I live in alignment with myself and alignment with the truth of my being. I am attuning to my inner knowing and let's bring down some beautiful, shimmering, golden, higher vibrational light from above, bringing down that column of bright, life-giving higher vibrational light from above, this column of light from the great central sun into your body, into your being, igniting you with potentiality and possibility of the highest frequency of the highest frequency, Welcoming that light, that energy into your body into your

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being and now bringing up some beautiful diamond white liquid light from the crystalline grid of the earth. Grounding, loving, nurturing diamond white liquid light coming up from the earth through your feet, into your body, into your being, receiving the earth's grounding, loving energy and having those two energies meet at your heart Brilliant, shimmering gold, higher vibrational light from above and grounding, loving, diamond white liquid light from the earth meeting in your heart, finding peace and possibility, finding potential and practicality. Possibility finding potential and practicality, finding all that you can be and all that you are together in one moment, all of you, here and now, in one moment.

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And grounding all that you came here to be into the earth, into the 3D plane into reality, bringing possibility into the now I am grounding into my sacred purpose. I am bringing my visions into reality. I am embracing the highest expressions of focus, discipline and my ability to execute on what I know is possible. I am choosing to bring what I know is possible into my reality To make it fully real, to make it fully realized for me to be fully realized, and all as I connect ever more deeply to the truth within me. I am reconnecting to to the truth within me. I am reconnecting to and activating my authentic power where my power comes from within, where I know unquestionably who I am, where I am internally defined, because when I am connected to this truth, it's undeniable. I know what I believe, I trust what I see, I am courageous and truthful in what I speak. My heart is open and expanded and I am overflowing love from my heart Love and self-respect. The force of will that moves through my heart is strong and gives me everything I need to propel myself forward. I know who I am and who I choose to be, and I am deeply trusting of who I know myself to be. I know what I feel. I trust that my feelings are right and good. I honor what I feel, as well as my intuition, as they form the compass of my inner guidance, which I am committed to following, and I am grounding all of this into the earth, into my ability to take divine action, inspired action, in the name of my highest truth and highest purpose. I am here for service, for the highest good for all, and I accept this call for service. I have chosen to become who I truly am in this lifetime and I am releasing any resistance to that. I am allowing the full divine truth of who I am to flow through me. Let that truth blow through you and anchor that truth deep into the earth, deep into the three-dimensional reality, deep into the three-dimensional reality, deep into the energies of your energy field, and welcome this truth into your body, into your chakras, into your cells, into your fluids, into your chakras, into your cells, into your fluids, into your bones. You are the truth, you are divine, you are powerful, you are love, you are strong, you are brilliant, you are beautiful, you are everything you know yourself to be, and so much more.

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Final intentions Grounding all that energy into the earth Before you surround yourself with a beautiful, shimmering golden blue sphere, a shimmering golden blue sphere for your highest protection, protecting your energy, not cutting you off from anything, but reminding you that you are sovereign, that you are a sovereign being and your energy field is your own, that you are not available to lower energies, to lower attachments. Your energy is your own. Let that sphere be complete with this intention and, when you're ready, you can bring yourself back to your body, back to the breath, back to the room. When you complete, I invite you to take a few moments and reflect on this experience and journal what came up for you, in addition to any values or any intentions. It feels significant and, finally, when you're ready, you can blink your eyes open. Thank you for joining me today and I'm sending you so much love.