Frequency with Michael Edwards

10. Cancer New Moon Meditation: Releasing Emotional Wounds and Tuning to the Pure Love Frequency

Michael Edwards Season 1 Episode 10

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Welcome to the Cancer New Moon Meditation. In this session we are focusing on clearing emotional wounds related to giving and receiving love. We will work on releasing unworthiness, letting go of past heartbreaks, and healing from repressive and reactive shadows of the heart. This meditation aims to open our hearts fully, allowing us to receive and give love freely, preparing us for the upcoming Capricorn Full Moon and the Lionsgate portal. Join us in this transformative journey to manifest love, abundance, and joy.

This meditation is super powerful for clearing wounds around the heart chackra, love and worthiness, clearing energy from past relationships and connecting to source, love and your pure heart frequency. 

This meditation is an example of some of the work we do inside my world, if you are curious to join or know more you can check the link below. The library of these meditations and much more is available to members of all of my paid programs:

Special Invitation: Sign up for my complimentary lunar meditations and make powerful energetic shifts as you align more deeply with your intentions.

Find out more about working with Michael and connect here:

Speaker 1:

All right, everyone. So welcome to the Cancer New Moon Meditation. And this is a very, very exciting time. We just had Gemini to Capricorn and now we have Cancer to Capricorn, so we get a double crack of Capricorn which is all about the practical and bringing things into reality, and we're always kind of clearing the energy, clearing the shadow on the new moon and then anchoring in the exalted expression on the full moon. And so we've already kind of been working on clearing this immature, childlike energy of Gemini and now we get to clear, with this Cancer new moon, the shadow of giving and receiving love, so really letting go of places that we're holding wounds around and worthiness wounds around giving and receiving love around worthiness of ourself, whether we've gone into the repressive shadow of putting up walls and kind of barring our heart around love, or we've gone into the reactive shadow of being an over-giver and a people-pleaser and kind of trying to earn love through validation. And our heart and this love energy is also so deeply related to our ability to give and receive. And so being able to clear this as we move into another Capricorn full moon is just such an incredible time of manifestation. It's why, inside the essence, right now we're all about manifestation, because that is the time, and then we're going into the Lionsgate portal, which is so incredible, and this will be a free meditation. But if you want to join us for the Capricorn meditation, that second one will only be available inside the essence. That second one will only be available inside the essence.

Speaker 1:

So the cancer is kind of the mother and the lover energy. It's all about the home and family and our personal life and these deep, deep interpersonal relationships. So it's where we might be carrying wounding from past relationships, from past loves that didn't end well. And so really just already setting the intention to release all of that energy that not yours, energy from your body, from your being, so that you can open to real love and giving and receiving and the highest, most exalted expression of yourself. So I'm so excited to dive into this I'm going to start the music, all right.

Speaker 1:

So I want us to really use our bodies to get into this. So I want you to just take a big deep breath with your arms open up and welcome in love and light from the universe around you. Really call in light from the space around you and let it go and another big breath breathe in, calling in love and light from the space around you. Let it go One more big breath, expand, open your body, open your mind, open your spirit to love and light. And let it go, letting your eyes close, letting your body relax as you start to really drop in, letting your body relax as you start to really drop in, dropping into your body, dropping into your being, just first becoming aware of the cycle of the breath, calling in your highest I am presence, calling in any guides, any assistants to be with you, any assistance to be with you, calling in any angels for support, calling in your highest self and opening yourself to receive Open heart, open mind. And let's start by bringing down some beautiful, divine, white and purple loving light from above. Letting that light come down from above and connect to your body, filling your body with love, filling the space in your body with love, with light, preparing you for this transmission, preparing you to receive and to make even more space for love in your body, in your being, in your life.

Speaker 1:

I decree that I am bringing down any walls I have erected around my heart in the name of protection, around my heart in the name of protection. I am releasing any boundaries that I have created to love that are not supportive to my highest and greatest self. I am taking down the walls around my heart as I open myself to receive. I am releasing the repressive shadow of closing and shutting down my heart. I am releasing the reactive shadow of overgiving, people-pleasing and trying to earn love, dropping in deeper into your body, deeper into your being, welcoming in more love, more light, more space. I am releasing any places that I have attached my own worthiness to other people's ability to love me, other people's ability to value me. I love me. I value me. I am releasing any programs, aspects or paradigms that cause me to chase love, to try to earn love, to try to prove myself as lovable.

Speaker 1:

I am clearing any energy left over in my body, in my heart, that is related to heartbreak, that is related to the feeling of my heart feeling broken. Just notice any places that you're holding any density, any pain, and let it go. Surrender it, as you call in more love, more light. I am giving myself physical and energetic space from people and situations related to any heartbreaks that I have experienced. I am learning the lessons from these experiences. I am remembering to remember the lessons and committing them to the truth of my being so that I do not repeat any of these cycles, for I have learned.

Speaker 1:

I am releasing hurt that I carry from broken promises, agreements and vows From any partners spouses, girlfriends, boyfriends, exes, parents or other people that I am carrying in my being. I am releasing, I am letting go, I am surrendering as I make space for more love, for more light. I am releasing and neutralizing other people's energy in my body, whether it be loving energy, abusive energy, sexual energy, mental energy or thoughts or feelings of other people that have become my own. I am releasing everything from my body, from my being, from my energy field that is not mine. I am coming home to attachments or timelines that are connecting me to painful memories to do with other people's ability to love or not love me, to do with other people's ability to love or not love me, any attachments to other people's perception of my worthiness and any situations or experience that I internalized. I am opening my heart to give love, to receive love. I am worthy, I am love. I am free.

Speaker 1:

I am releasing anywhere that I seek control in my relationships. I am releasing anywhere that I seek control in my relationships, any places that I give with expectation, any patterns in which I am, consciously or unconsciously, emotionally manipulative. I acknowledge and release emotional manipulation from my field. I am not a match for emotional manipulation. I am a match for transparency and truth and just calling in a waterfall of even more higher vibrational liquid light from above, letting that waterfall of beautiful light pour through your body, through your being as you let any stuck energy release, as you let that love and energy flow through your body through your being Open heart, open mind, knowing that you are free to give and receive love. As the adult that you are, I am a mature adult. I am worthy of love. I am capable of navigating my relationships. I am coding in healthy communication and healthy boundaries. I confidently state my needs. I confidently speak my truth. I confidently speak my truth.

Speaker 2:

I confidently ask for what it is that I desire and need.

Speaker 1:

I am releasing any moodiness, dramatic aspects of myself that cause me to act in a way that is not in my best interest, any aspects that cause me to sabotage love or relationships, either consciously or unconsciously, either consciously or unconsciously. I am clearing all of this from my conscious, subconscious, unconscious, from my mental and energy and emotional bodies, from my body, from my being. I am releasing any energy wounding or connection to the energies of abandonment, rejection or betrayal. I am clearing any connection to abuse that I have internalized. I am clearing these energies from my heart. My heart is clear, my field is open to love. I am open and expanded. I am accepting of love. I am giving of love. I am ready to receive love. I am love. I am ready to receive love. I am love. As I clear my heart, I am retuning, recalibrating my heart to the true frequency of love, to the frequency of unconditional love, to the love of creation, to the love of the unity of all things in the universe, to pure love. Just like you tune the strings of a guitar, tune your heart to love. I am returning my heart to its pure heart frequency. I am calling back any past versions of myself that are stuck in loops, experiencing hurt, trauma or abuse, trauma or abuse, and calling them into this healing field of love that is flowing through me. I am deeply and powerfully loving my inner child, allowing my inner child to become an inner adult as all of my emotions and subconscious thoughts update to that of my adult energy body. I am wrapping the child, me, in love as I wrap myself in love, as I am wrapped in the love of my higher self. Feel that now, as though you're receiving a great hug from the universe, as though you are being held by love and light, as though you are being held by loving light, allow yourself to expand into more love, into more space. Feel the energy of your heart extend beyond your body. Feel the energy of your energy body extend beyond your body as you create more space within your being and you fill it with more love, more light, more capacity for good. Allow this love to vibrate through your being, welcoming it into your cells, into your bones, into your body, into your energy body, into your mental body, into your emotional body. It is my entire being is calibrated to this pure frequency of love. I am releasing any pattern or part within me that seeks a trauma bond that seeks to recreate painful relationships of the past. I am releasing any karmic loops, cycles or patterns that I am repeating in this lifetime, whether they originated from my lifetime, another lifetime, from my family or through my bloodline. I am releasing all loops and cycles that have been passed on to me, loops and cycles that have been passed on to me. I am releasing any parts of me that try to hurt back or reject or retaliate when I am heard. I am embracing my ability to heal from this open-hearted frequency of true love. I am right now activating the full capacity of my heart's ability to love.

Speaker 1:

No-transcript. I am releasing any and all emotional blocks to creating, achieving and enjoying my dreams and my life. I am free to live my life with joy and prosperity and abundance. I radiate love. I am love and I am coding in respectful standards and boundaries that are aligned with the highest expression of myself. I am worthy of high standards and boundaries. I set high standards and boundaries for myself as I align my heart, my open-hearted feel of love, to my highest timeline. I code in these exalted, beautiful standards and boundaries. Standards and boundaries are part of this expression of love. I am open to love and be loved. I am deeply, deeply opening to receive, releasing any final resistance to receive. I am embracing my ability to stay in my heart, without the need for control.

Speaker 1:

And let this field of love around your body expand even more. Feel your heart's ability to radiate love in a field beyond your body. Feel the truth of your power, of the divine expression of who you are, feel the limitlessness of your heart's capacity. And, finally, just recognizing that many of these wounds or parts have come from parts of ourselves that are fragmented. So, just calling back any and all versions of yourself that are living in past realities and past relationships stuck in childlike states, parts of you, whether mental or physical, or emotional or sexual, that are living in past experiences or relationships, call all of it back to you to this moment, as those parts arrive, allow them to be cleansed by this incredible field of love that is radiating from you. As you cleanse the entire timeline of your life, as you come right now into wholeness, feel that experience of the wholeness of your being. Feel what it is to be whole, an infinite capacity for love, infinite possibilities before you, free of the past, embracing the future, whole in the present. Feel your presence, feel the love in your presence in this present moment.

Speaker 1:

And as you expand even further into this state, as you spiral even higher, feel your capacity for connection. Feel your capacity to be connected to the earth. I am the stars. Feel your connection to all things, to the sun, to its life-giving warmth, to the stars, to the beauty of creation. I am the universe. Feel your connection to the web of life, to the divine intelligence of all things, to the oneness, to the light of source. Feel how the light of your being flows to you from the spiritual sun, from the great central sun. Being flows to you from the spiritual sun, from the great central sun. Feel how much love and connection is available to you.

Speaker 1:

You are a child of God, a child of the universe. You are love, you are light, welcoming more and more of this energy, this experience, into my body, into my being. I am remembering to remember the truth of who I am, the infinite capacity of my heart Good and just allowing yourself to stay in this state. Acknowledge anything else you need to release, coding in any other intentions or desires that you need to code in, and coming to a clear intention in your being before, on your own time, you bring yourself back to your full awareness and open your eyes, and I'll leave you to do that now.