Frequency with Michael Edwards

08. Capricorn Full Moon Meditation - Weaving in Maturity for Success, Prosperity & Abundance

Michael Edwards Season 1 Episode 8

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Welcome to the Capricorn Full Moon Meditation. We began this journey with the Gemini New Moon, which emphasized intuition, creativity, and playfulness, while addressing the shadow aspects of childishness and immaturity. This time was used to clear those energies and foster ego-free desires guided by our higher selves.

This meditation is an example of some of the work we do inside my world, if you are curious to join or know more you can check the link below. The library of these meditations and much more is available to members of all of my paid programs:

As we transition to the full moon in Capricorn, we connect with the archetype of Capricorn, representing reliability, responsibility, and the ability to bring our missions to life. Capricorn's highest expression supports us in executing our visions, while its shadow involves overworking and avoiding necessary actions.

In this meditation, we aim to balance the playful, intuitive energy of Gemini with the mature, responsible energy of Capricorn. By releasing shadows of immaturity and overworking, we open ourselves to guidance and support, integrating these energies to manifest our highest timeline. This practice enhances our ability to follow through on our goals with grace and ease.

Prepare to immerse yourself in this transformative experience, balancing intuition and action, and aligning with your true, empowered self.

Special Invitation: Sign up for my complimentary lunar meditations and make powerful energetic shifts as you align more deeply with your intentions.

Find out more about working with Michael and connect here:

Speaker 1:

So welcome to the Capricorn Full Moon Meditation. And we have been moving through this incredible time that started with the Gemini New Moon and the archetype of Gemini is all about intuition and play and creativity and kind of the mystical, and the shadow of that is this kind of like childishness and immaturity, and so we really use that time to clear some of the energies out of that shadow and we've been focused on creating this ego-free desire where we can be led by our intuition, where we can be led by the guidance from our higher self. Where it is that we're going and as we link to the full moon in Capricorn. Capricorn is the parent, the doer, the teacher, the really solid, reliable energy, right and in its highest form. It's the version of us that supports us in the creation of our mission and bringing everything that we're here to create into life. But the shadow, of course, is this energy where it's like overdoing, overworking, busyness, hustle. It might be, where we distract ourselves or we might have a relationship with responsibility, where it feels like this scary, horrible thing and we avoid the doing and we avoid showing up for ourselves and we avoid taking the actions that are necessary bringing those things into life. So we're really using this lunar cycle to balance these two energies, where we can bring in the intuition and the play and the fun and the childlike wonder of Gemini and the maturity and the responsibility of Capricorn, so that we actually execute and bring our visions into reality and that we're not running them through any old, wounded templates, but that we're just showing up in this beautiful, exalted expression of ourselves.

Speaker 1:

So that's what this meditation will be about today and I'm so excited that you are joining me here so you can just take a moment and get comfortable and really drop in. And I will tell you now. I want to leave you in the state that you're in at the end, so I will not. I know it can feel abrupt, but I will not close today. I will just finish and end the call and you can stay in that state and do anything else you need to do clear anything else you need to clear, activate anything else you need to activate, and then you can send me a message later if you feel called to share what came up.

Speaker 1:

So really just dropping in, dropping into your body, dropping into your being, becoming aware of your feet, noticing what they're touching, becoming aware of the cycle of the breath, breath and really opening yourself to receive open heart, open mind, open body and bringing down some beautiful supportive, purple and white loving light from above, letting that light connect to your body, letting that supportive, loving light and energy connect to your body and move through you, knowing that you are loved, that you are supported, that you are supported and that you are moving in that deep trust of the highest good for yourself and highest good for all. And that we are here setting the intention to balance these energies between Gemini and Capricorn, between intuition and doing, as we've let go of the shadows of immaturity and reconnected to our intuition and we are now balancing that energy with Capricorn. And you can just notice anywhere in your body that there is density, that there is resistance, and continue to let it go throughout this experience, letting all the energies that are not yours, that are not supportive to you, in your highest truth, in your highest timeline, just release from your body, from your energy field, and sink deep into the earth where they are neutralized. I am releasing any avoidance of responsibility, any avoidance of being in charge, any avoidance of difficult conversations, any avoidance of taking care of myself and prioritizing my need. I am releasing any energies in my being, in my body, in my subconscious and unconscious minds, in my energy field that caused me to show up as a wounded child in the face of responsibility and adult situations.

Speaker 1:

I am releasing the reactive shadow of overdoing, of grinding, of anywhere that worthiness has been attached to doing, of anywhere that I distract myself with busyness of, anywhere that I move from fear or insecurity and I am anchoring in the intelligence of my being. I am fully and wholly opening to my intuition and my inner guidance. I am listening with my full body, with my full being. I am open to receive, to move on my intuition with powerful follow-through. I can lead myself, I can lead others. I trust myself to make the right decision and follow it through. I am allowing support to come in where support is necessary. I am allowing myself to be supported by the universe, by others, by those that have the skills and the know-how and the tools that are beneficial to me and my purpose and my mission. I am open to receive that support.

Speaker 1:

I am surrendering any stuck energy, any sticky templates, any need to control and do it all myself. I am surrendering any aspects of myself that do not allow my soul to work in concert and community with others where help is available to me, opening to more light, more love as you get lighter and lighter, as you rise higher and higher, letting go of more and more density. I am releasing being a follower, looking for answers outside myself. I am releasing all versions of me in all lifetimes where I give my power away to others, where I believe that they have answers that I do not. I am remembering that I am sovereign and I am choosing to follow the guidance from within. I am releasing the need to control or predict or understand every step in my journey before its time has come.

Speaker 1:

I am releasing any templates or versions or aspects of myself that perceive work as punishment, neglect. Any versions of myself that show up in a codependent relationship with a parent or a partner or any others. I am releasing any places that I have learned helplessness. I am releasing learned helplessness. I am releasing learned helplessness. I am strong, I am wise, I am capable. I am releasing any resistance to creating boundaries and speaking my needs, any avoidance to setting clear boundaries and asserting the communication that is supportive of my needs. I communicate clearly and powerfully. My needs and my desires are worthy of being voiced and being met. I am in no way bad for acknowledging these needs.

Speaker 1:

I am releasing any programming or conditioning I have picked up that makes me believe I need to give up or soften my true heart's desires, that I need to give up my needs or put the needs of others above my own in a way that sacrifices my truth, my purpose. I am releasing any places that I learned to earn love through validation and doing. Anywhere my worthiness was attached to productivity, intelligence, achievements and appearance. I am reinstalling, recoding, reactivating my original blueprint. Where work is play and play is work. Where taking care of myself is fun and freedom. Where being an adult is joyful, where showing up for myself and my career is one of the greatest and most joyful experiences of my life. I'm releasing any template that gets in the way of that, clearing anything that interferes with my ability to show up in my adult life with a sense of joy and play. I am releasing any aspects, any cords or attachments that are in the way of me showing up as the full expression of myself and creating financial prosperity and abundance. I am showing up as the full expression of myself. I am creating financial prosperity and abundance. I am supported, I am worthy, I am loved and I am having fun doing it.

Speaker 1:

I am right now calling in golden healing light. I am calling in golden healing light as I heal my relationship with the masculine, any conscious or unconscious places. The masculine within me is at war with the feminine. I am healing that relationship, healing my relationship with the sacred masculine, healing any immature relationships that cause me to experience being and doing as separate. I am healed, I am whole. The masculine and the feminine within me is in a dance, is in a play. They work together, one leading the other, one supporting the other. Structure creates a space for play and intuition and love, emotion and expansion, and together we are whole. I am whole as I code in this sacred relationship between my intuition, my inner knowing, my highest guidance and the part of me that has the power and the trust in myself to follow through.

Speaker 1:

I am doing it I am it, I am whole, and let's just bring in some weaves of golden light from the field. Weaves of golden light coming from the field, weaving into your body, into your being, as you weave in the highest frequency, the exalted expression of maturity, as you recode that word, that energy, as something that is so beautiful. As you weave this golden light, these golden threads of maturity, into each of your chakras, starting first in your solar plexus, seeing yourself as an empowered adult who is response able and in control of your life. Weaving the golden threads of maturity into your heart loving responsibly, trusting yourself not to be lost in love, trusting yourself to be worthy of receiving, not to be saved, but because it's who. You are Weaving golden threads of exalted maturity into your throat chakra, allowing yourself to communicate with eloquence and maturity, like an empowered, powerful adult. That you are powerful adult, that you are Weaving the maturity into your third eye, allowing yourself to see many perspectives, a big picture view, to see possibilities and problems as solvable. Weaving this maturity into your crown chakra, allowing yourself to have a mature relationship with the divine, a mature relationship with spirituality, a beautiful ex, a mature relationship with spirituality, a beautiful, exalted, mature relationship with the guidance that you receive from the universe, allowing yourself to fully and truly surrender to your beliefs because of the strength and trust in the way you approach them, bringing this energy down now into sacral, weaving those golden threads of sacred maturity into your sacral, into creativity, into pleasure, into life force. Energy being mature about where you direct your creativity, where you direct your life force. Energy open and expanded you are open and expanded as these energies mix in your being. You are open and expanded as these energies mix in your being.

Speaker 1:

And finally, weaving beautiful, exalted golden threads of maturity into your root chakra, where it is so lit up and expanded by this Weaving in the version of you that is powerful and capable and mature, who can handle any and every situation in your life with power and grace and ease, where all of the softness in you is feels so supported by the strength in you. Because you are strong, you are wise, you are mature. And just notice as this beautiful golden light resonates through all your chakras, all your body and your energy field, how your frequency is uplifted, and just allow your awareness to move up, up above your body, into this space, this quantum field of possibilities, where there exist many versions of you and many timelines, and from this beautiful place in space, allow yourself to see the version of you that is living on your highest timeline, the full expression of who you are, and whether that appears very clear or a little unclear doesn't matter. Just allow yourself to connect to what is there and see the chakra that exists in that highest timeline. It's like a note, like a key code, and allow all of the chakras in your body and your being to attune to that version of you, to that timeline, as all the others fade away and you come into resonance, into harmony with the true view. Feel the vibration of that through your body. Let this energy, this vibration, this instruction be received by every single one of the trillions of cells in your body as they ignite with this instruction, with this coding, with this energetic signature.

Speaker 1:

Where you are on your path, you are on your path. Allow that knowing to ripple through your being. Take a few more moments to allow that to really sink in and integrate and finally and finally, just do a final scan and notice any holes in your energy field, in your energy system, any little voids that may have been created by all of this clearing, and just allow more light, more love to flow into those spaces. Patch any holes in your energy field, fill all the spaces in your body and your chakras with light and energy and, finally, just allowing whatever shape feels right to you to appear around you, around your energy field A sphere, a pyramid, a cylinder, a cube or any other shape that comes to mind. Just allow that shape to appear. Know that you are shielded, that your energy is protected and no way cut off, but that this energy is yours.

Speaker 1:

This is the truth of who you are. You are coding this and anchoring this in, and you are resistant to any forces, any energies, any outside influences that may try and pull you off course, either intentionally or unintentionally, consciously or unconsciously, knowing that your authority lives within you and you trust it, you feel it, you are it. I am remembering to remember. I am remembering to come home to my knowing, to my truth, again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. For this is my truth, this is who I am and this is my story, and it is from here that I write the story of the rest of my life. Just take a little bit of time to shift anything else. You need to shift to do anything else you need to do to anchor in or release anything else. You need to shift To do anything else you need to do, to anchor in or release anything else, and when you're ready, you can bring yourself back to your full awareness.