Frequency with Michael Edwards

06. The Dance of Energies and Creativity w/Lisa Moore on Crafting a Life Aligned

Michael Edwards Season 1 Episode 6

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Lisa More is an absolute legend. I loved this conversation with her as we touched on limiting beliefs held in the collective unconscious, the divine frequency of wealth and sexuality, self discovery through theta healing and so much more. This is an illuminating conversation where guilt is transmuted into gold. I know you will enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed having this conversation!


Lisa is a Divine Power Activator, Speaker & Visionary empowering badass light leaders to break free from 3D and shine their unique Divine Light BRIGHT. Activating their Divine Power to create an EPIC life on their own terms, raise collective consciousness, and contribute to co-creating a new 5D world together.

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Speaker 1:

I'm a spiritual badass.

Speaker 2:

I'm not going to skip through the fields.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to skip through the fields when no shoes on. I'm here to you know, I'm Capricorn Rising. I'm here to be a badass empire builder and I'm going to wear my fricking leather jacket. Rock it out, and I'm so here for you. ["spring Fly"].

Speaker 2:

Hello and welcome back to the Michael Edwards show. I am joined today with the amazing Lisa Moore. She is a divine power, speaker, activator and visionary for badass light leaders. She is this incredible soul filled with so much energy. We connected online on social media and we have been voice-noting back and forth for a couple of months now and as much as I would have loved to have a conversation with her, I said let's save our first speaking conversation for a podcast episode, because I so often find, with people that have been on a similar journey, that there are just these bits of magic that we share and connect over, and I thought how amazing would it be to document this conversation. And so we were actually so excited to start talking that we just kind of launched in. So I'm going to cut from this directly to us talking, I think, about Lisa and her partner and just kind of setting up our lives, and so I hope that you enjoy the conversation as much as we did having it.

Speaker 1:

He's actually back now, but for a year he hired some work share space and on that day, when he was kind of going to be going to this work share, I was like, oh my God, this is the first time since we've met that we're not spending all this time together. And I was so nervous in the run up to it and as soon as he left I went oh my God, that's what it's like to be in my own energy. I was like, oh, that feels so good. And so I've had the flat to myself for a year, with him going every day to the studio, and he's decided not to renew. And about three weeks ago he came back. So I'm having to get used to him being back in the flat.

Speaker 1:

So he's working upstairs on the mezzanine and I'm downstairs, but it's so weird having to adjust to be around someone 24-7. Again, it's so weird.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I can't imagine. I've been single for a while, so I cannot, I cannot.

Speaker 1:

And have you lived with somebody at any point?

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, yeah, I've had long relationships, but I've been single for like I haven't been me in a relationship, like I've became me since I've been single, if you know what I mean. So it's like I don't even know what that would look like, because I used to be just a bundle of trauma bonding and now I'm very independent, like very, very independent.

Speaker 1:

But the thing is you've got to do that Like how old are you? If you don't mind me asking I'm 37.

Speaker 1:

You're 37, yeah, so I feel like in those kind of like early 30s and I think a men are probably about three or four years behind the kind of the getting in touch with the feelings and all of that stuff.

Speaker 1:

But I do remember I lived on my own for the first time in early 30s and I never said that I would be able to live on my own and it was the best thing I ever did Because I was like all of a sudden I was fully in charge of my own space. So I bought my own flat and my parents would come round and my dad would be their assets. My dad's a builder and they had this picture perfect home. And he's like you're not going to put pictures up here, you're not going to put that up there. And I was like no, the first time in my life I was like I'm going to take my time to figure out who I am before I commit to the art or whatever's going to go on the wall, because I didn't know who I was and I didn't. Just slapping something up on the wall would have been a representation of, like you said, all the trauma bonding that's happened up until that moment and I really wanted to figure myself out first.

Speaker 2:

It's so interesting that you say that Because, also, after I broke up with my ex-fiance, I moved to Calgary and it was the first time I had this beautiful apartment and I decorated. Everything was new. I got all new stuff and I decorated it for the first time and I feel like it was the beginning of me finding my style. And that sounds like such a superficial thing, but it was like the beginning of me finding me. At the same time you know it's a. I haven't thought about that association for a while until you just brought it up.

Speaker 1:

I mean, another kind of version of that is that the business that my partner and I started it was a fashion business Because when we were traveling for the nine months and we just had that whirlwind, meeting, blind date and we'd go into, you know, we'd go to a new city and I would always be like trying to find something that really represented who I was. And he's got a background in design, not product design, not fashion design. But you know, we were gathering different business ideas and at the end of our travel we said that we would spend a month in San Francisco deciding what the business idea was going to be and we had all these like a massive, long list of potential ideas. And then we had like passion projects list and on it was fashion. Because he said to me he's like, well, when we get home like I'm quite happy just to kind of help you design something that you want to wear as like a little side hustle, because obviously you have so much time in your hands when you start your own business, not. And in the end that became the idea and what I realized now was that there was something that was trying to be birthed through me.

Speaker 1:

You know, now I realize, since my awakening is that you know I've like the piece that I absolutely love. I'm not wearing it today because it's too hot, but I've got it here. It's my leather jacket, it's like black and gold, obviously, and it's all like luxury, the most high end stuff, because we both have luxury vibes and we, you know everything that we do, we do it to the best of our ability and it's my signature piece and people have said to me they're like you know, when you think of someone spiritual, it's so easy to kind of think of a hippie kind of skipping through the fields. You know, very much nature based, but I'm definitely I'm at home in the city and the brand was actually called Urban Guilts G-I-L-T. As you know. Now it's House of Guilt.

Speaker 1:

And so it's kind of a it's evolved now, but it's very much because I'm a spiritual badass, I'm not going to skip through the fields.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to skip through the fields. We know she's on. I'm here to you. Know I'm Capricorn Rising. I'm here to be a badass empire builder and I'm going to wear my fricking leather jacket, rock it out, and I'm so here for it. So, but I didn't realize at the time that's what we were kind of doing. There was something trying to birth through me. It's funny and I don't think that's superficial at all. It's self-expression.

Speaker 2:

I don't either. It's so interesting that you say that because it's taken me actually a while to recognize that as well, and I've always been an aesthetically inclined person, like I remember when I was a kid, I really just I just cared about how things looked, you know. And then it was a dance teacher, choreographer, obviously very aesthetic photographer getting the visuals. And then, when I first became a hypnotherapist, there was this thing where it was like, okay, well, this is what I have to be like and this is what I have to look like, and it was very sort of clinical.

Speaker 2:

You know, I went and bought all these like dress shirts, these formal dress shirts, and like used to wear wool square glasses, cause like that's what there was right. And it was around a lot of people that were preaching professionalism in this very repressed way and it was kind of like, oh, all the creativity has to go in a box, like that's not, that doesn't come along in grownup life. And then it's been this beautiful rediscovering that this is part of who I am, and then bringing the creativity into my business and my branding and it's like some people hate it, but then it's a beacon of light for others. But the most important, thing is.

Speaker 2:

I just, I just look at it and it's so me and it was. It's a lot right, Like my mom my whole life has been and I just I love you mom. She's amazing, she's such a huge supporter, but she is not an aesthetically inclined person. So she, you know, like I can't stay in a place where the bathroom in the kitchen is horrendous, If they, if it's not the right colors and it's just not the right vibe, it's like it doesn't even matter if it's a nice place, If it's like the style is ick like, why would they pair these cupboards with that floor? It bothers me. She's always like, honey, you're so superficial. But to really claim that and be like, no, I care about aesthetic and I'm not, I'm not going to say sorry for that, I'm not sorry for it because it's it's just like part of who I am, and if it's your thing, then I love that, and if it's not, then I, then I don't judge that, but you, you, I don't receive the judging of me.

Speaker 1:

So I love that, and there's two reasons why I love that. First of all, you're giving people permission to own all the different parts of themselves and you're breaking free from what a typical hypnotherapist looks like, you know. So you're showing people that you can be a blend of the divine feminine and divine masculine, rather than just kind of, you know, being stuck in a box. So I love that number one and number two In my human design, I've discovered that I'm actually out of vision. So there are actually and you might be out of vision, but there are actually reasons why you might be aesthetically kind of drawn. So for me, the way I make decisions is by looking at something. I literally I'm allowed to read the cover of a book because I can decide what's right for me because of my outer vision, just by looking at it. So when I saw your profile, I was just like yes, here for it looks incredible. Just, I'm so here for it. So you know, there's no shame in that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I, first of all, I love that. I love that that's the response that you have, because I feel the same when I saw yours and it was like there is this. I mean, we're just kind of launching into it here, so I'm gonna go, but there's this. I can only call it the golden frequency. It's like this feeling, and I feel like so many people feel it, and was inside me and it was like this idea and I was like I want it, like I literally feel it, and I don't even know how. I think you followed me first and I remember looking at your profile and just being like oh, like she's done it, like that thing that is inside my soul that I was afraid to do, but it's like there and I and it was like the me experiencing how much I loved landing on it and seeing it made me realize I was like you just have to let it out because your person is gonna feel like that.

Speaker 2:

And it's been interesting because I feel like I was literally gold. And then now I'm finding like the way to transmit the feeling and the energy without being so literal about the gold. I don't know it's really interesting, but I mean it is this thing, isn't it Like we're both just so drawn to gold and it's interesting, I'm so drawn to it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, sorry, so no, you go you go.

Speaker 2:

Well, I was gonna say, like you know, whenever I do like any visualization or energy healing, like, my aura always used to be blue, like whenever it was like you know, go, when you were clearing something and like bringing out your energy was always blue.

Speaker 2:

And then there came this time and I guess it was through sort of like my healing journey and awakening, and it became gold. And like, whenever I like close my eyes and visualize my energy, it's always this brilliant gold and I can feel, I can feel it inside my body, like I wake up in the morning and the first thing I become aware of is like this golden energy in my chest and I, like, I like radiate it, like when I'm manifesting or when I'm, you know, just like setting the intention for the day. It's like always tapping into this golden energy and just like radiating it beyond my body and I can feel it. And on a day when I'm not as tuned into it if I, you know, watch a video or something back I can see, I can feel it, I can feel that it's not there, that like golden spark isn't there.

Speaker 1:

It's super interesting. I absolutely love that. And there's funny enough. There's two reasons why I'm so kind of connected to gold. The first one is because this fashion brand that I started with my partner when we were deciding the name of it, we wanted to play on words. So this was like eight years ago and we came up with the name Urban Guilt G-I-L-T because it meant gold and we wanted it to be a play on guilt G-U-I-L-T. Now, but fast forward eight years later and now I understand that that was like totally given by my spirit guides, because obviously now the brand is House of Guilt. So you know, we've moved away from fashion. He's doing his thing and I'm just doing this, standing in my divine power doing this.

Speaker 1:

But now I realized that well, first of all, the gold in itself, because it stands for alchemy and spirituality and abundance. And also I've realized that you know my whole. If you come to my Instagram or website, it's black and gold. And all of a sudden I had this realization a couple of years ago I was like, oh my God, your Earth star chakra beneath your feet is black. Your soul star chakra above your head is gold. So it's about the Kundalini and transmuting the energy from your Earth star to your soul star chakra. So that's why, for me, I mean, there's another reason I'm here to be a light worker and a shadow worker. The light worker is the gold, the shadow worker is the black. And I also incorporate snake in there as well, because, scorpio moon, you know I'm all about the transmuting, the transforming.

Speaker 1:

But then I realized, with the whole guilt GILT being a play on words from GUILT is that we're here to transmute that guilt, the GUILT, into gold and to reveal and peel back all those layers of the darkness and the shit that's been layered over us from lifetimes. And I'm particularly passionate about collectively held stuff. But you know, to reveal all of those one by one, like layer by layer, to reveal that guilty gold goodness within us, because we've got so much fear, shame and guilt from lifetimes of being horrendous to each other. You know we've all lived many, many lifetimes and we've all been lower vibrational beings, so we've all done horrendous things. So we all carry so much guilt, you know, from our own past, lives carried down from ancestors, you know, passed down into our DNA, but also what's collectively held. There's so much guilt to, let alone what's happened in this lifetime. So we're releasing all of that and we're transmuting it to gold.

Speaker 1:

And then the other thing is that we're claiming the fact that we're allowed to have everything that we desire without guilt. You know, we're here to have the big, bold, beautiful, badass, biggest life Like, whatever that means to you, whether that's like crazy opulence or whether that is a very humble life, it doesn't matter. We're here to just have our souls desired without guilt, without shame, whatever that means, and that I've kind of come to realise. That name has evolved with me and I just I love it still to this day. I still love it, and I'm so here for the gold.

Speaker 2:

I love it and I just there's like a million things that I could respond to and what you just said and it just it just reaffirms for me. There's so many like. This is why I wanted to have this conversation, because there's so many things with such different life experiences that we've just that we like weave on. And so I want to touch on the shadow work because I know that, I know that you're a Theta healer, which is very, or that's a part of what you do, which is very interesting to me.

Speaker 2:

I want to talk about that. But, specifically, you said something the other day about the what's in the collective subconscious and I thought that was so interesting because, of course, we, you know, like even this is what science understands is that we unconsciously communicate and pick things up, like, just like a child learns, we sort of we download, we download, we download, and I had never thought about it like that. You know, we talk about collective consciousness but I had never thought about the collective subconscious. And when you said that, it was just like whoa, and it made me think of this. You know, this other thing is like, very often it's like, you know, we have a limited, we sort of like activate the limited mind based on some of the things that are in our subconscious, and I just so love for you to talk a little bit about that, yeah, that I am so passionate about the collective subconscious.

Speaker 1:

I'm so passionate about it because my vision is that if we all understand that there is a collective subconscious, and then we all can tune into what those subconscious limiting beliefs, programs and misunderstandings that are held at the collective level and then identify which of those we have and we all did that and we all healed those.

Speaker 1:

Think about the herd healing effects that would have on raising the frequency, because every single person would not only be raising their frequency but they would also be contributing to raising the collective frequency. Because if we all target the same beliefs and feelings and programs and misunderstandings, that will create this, this catalytic effect, faster than anyone doing their own individual stuff. And so and the reason why I'm I know this is because I've been on a such a deep dive for the last four years into my subconscious mind and I started receiving Theta healing with my friend who trained as a Theta healer and I didn't really know what it was but I felt called to try it. So I just read Dr Joe Dispenza's book, breaking the Habit of being Yourself, and all of a sudden I knew what, like the brains wave theta. I knew what it was and I was like, yeah, I want to try this, because my background is actually maths.

Speaker 1:

I studied maths at university but I got the school award for arts. So again, I've kind of like got both sides but I ended up going down the sciences route because it didn't feel safe to do arts, because I was that straight A student. I needed one on one, equal two, so that I could walk out of the exam and know exactly what I was going to get, whereas someone subjectively critiquing my art and giving me a D was not good for my, my ego Right. So anyway, I knew I was going to come back and do something creative.

Speaker 1:

So I was still very much in that kind of scientific mind. I was working in IT, in corporate banking, investment banking and law firms and then, like I said, I had my spiritual awakening just about the time that my friend trained as a Theta healer and I'd read Joe Dispenza's book. Him being a Scientist Talking About Spirituality was that bridge that I needed. And I had my first session and honestly I was like, oh my God, what is this? I freaking love it. I'm obsessed. What's just happened? Because I could instantly feel the inner shifts that were happening.

Speaker 1:

So no one else does this. No one else gets the replay, watches it, documents everything. But I got the call from my higher self to watch every replay and document every single thing that we were clearing. So anyway, 80 hours later of Theta healing sessions and we've cleared about 2000 subconscious limiting beliefs, programs and misunderstandings in those sessions. And I just loved those sessions I think actually knows about one and a half thousand, because since then I then trained as a Theta healer. Then it became so obvious that it was like I was pretty advanced even though I wasn't trained, because I knew how to do it. I knew how it was all kind of like working, so I then trained as a Theta healer.

Speaker 1:

And then since then I've been working on myself and I've uncovered about another one and a half thousand and it's still going. So I have this I call it my guilty vault of ever expanding subconscious, limiting beliefs and programs and misunderstandings, and it became really obvious at some point that a lot of the stuff is mine. I'd say two-thirds of it is mine, but a third of it 100 percent is collectively held stuff because it's got nothing to do with me personally at all. It's not kind of showing up in my you know, it's just it's so deep that it's showing up in my life in a in a flavor. But I know that everyone has this and obviously, being intuitive, I can tune into which ones those are. And then all of a sudden I started thinking wouldn't it be amazing if I was able to pull all of these collectively held ones out and distill them down and then create these healing activations to be able to bring awareness to people which ones of those that they have and then help them heal, heal them, because then they're healing their own, you know, their own subconscious mind, but they're also contributing to the collective and some of the things I've discovered that are collectively held are just insane. You know this. I've got so many of these healing activations that I want to bring out, and I'm starting with the very foundational one, which is activate your divine energy. So that is your. You know your deep connection to divine source, to Mother Earth, to your multi-dimensional beingness, to you know re-gathering all of your soul fragments and your energy and then learning how to manage all of that and command your energy and protect it. So that's the core one.

Speaker 1:

But the actual root of that is that we and this is the thing that blew my mind is that even healers don't necessarily realise they're carrying this subconscious, limiting belief, that they believe that in any level I fear divine source energy. So, and that's on a human level, we believe that because we incarnate with an ego and our ego believes that we're separate and therefore it fears that unity, it fears being connected to the whole. But that's what we are and it's like at the very root, we're so afraid of our own power and we're and that's the ego, and I just am so passionate about getting this workout because beyond that, there's so much stuff that has happened to us over lifetimes about divine. You know, divine feminine, divine masculine. It's like the world is upside down and all the things that we believe. It's totally the opposite.

Speaker 1:

So you know, there's things around divine sexuality, divine money. I mean money is such a huge topic. I think I've cleared 200 beliefs just around money and obviously I can distill those down to make them the most potent beliefs and I've got a way of making them as clear and as, because the words matter. This is the thing as well I've got.

Speaker 1:

You've got to be very careful with the words you use and how you structure it, but it's basically it's reprogramming. It's like it's coding. You know it's computer, Our brains are computers. So it's about being able to identify that root code, switch it out and then instead replace it with the 5D most high, you know the highest and best, most expansive 5D belief. And if we all did that for the collective stuff, then hopefully the world will look a very different place.

Speaker 2:

I mean I like, yes, like yes. I mean you're so amazing because you have this, this ability to sort of analyze and, like, put things into systems, which is the only thing that's the manifest in you human design manifest, or that's not, definitely not me, but it's so fascinating to me how similar our stories are, because when I decided to be a hypnotherapist, I was very like I'm only interested in what the science can prove and you know, and of course, hypnosis also accessing, you know, theta and these brainwave states and of course they came across Joe Dispenza and Bruce Lipton as well, and really the science led me to the spirituality and I think the more time you spend, you know, in your unconscious and other people's unconscious and doing this belief, recoding exactly as you're talking about, it becomes undeniable that there's something more. Like I get, you get mirror neurons and you get all of that, but there's just, there's something else. And you know, for me it really changed when I let myself lean into that part, because now you know, and everyone says this when they work with me and it's so hard to market this, but people will say you know, you have this field that just opens people up and I feel it like I really clear, clear my channel before I work with people and especially if someone taps into some trauma or something, like I feel my whole body like light up and I actually I lean into that, like I let that be.

Speaker 2:

Or you know, when I'm doing unconscious stuff I work so differently than when I first started. But you know, I'll feel you sort of say something it's all a game of awareness, right and you know you say something to move someone's awareness and then they'll have a sensation. But like I'll feel it, I'll feel like, you know, like a little ice, ice wave go through my chest and then there's this, there's this cold wave going through my chest and you're like, yeah, I just spelt it for you, you said it, you know it's. It's just, it's wild how interconnected we are and how and I love to the weaving of science and spirituality as well, because that's to me they, they, they're not at odds with each other. You know, and we talk a lot about in the spiritual world, you know, the collective consciousness and raising the frequency of the planet.

Speaker 2:

But when you talk about the collective subconscious, as soon as you said that I was like, oh, and that's, that's the mechanism by which it happened and I find that a lot. It's like there's, there, are these like the things in the material are the mechanism, like it's not an either or a thing, and I just I love, I love, love, love, love, love the way you think and the way that you approach all of this in your work. This is interesting to me, do you, because you must notice that some, that some people I don't want to say this nicely, but it's like some people get some people get so out there that it's like they lose, they almost like lose the ability to function in the plane of reality that we live in to a degree. But you have this like beautiful, like you're aware of so much, and you're like, yes, I operate on planet Earth, I'm creating a business and a healing modality, like how do you, how do you navigate that?

Speaker 1:

It is interesting because I did have a lot of fear when I first started doing theta healing with my friend, before I trained myself, because I was. I was scared and that was obviously my ego using that as an excuse not to do the healing. I was scared I was going to float off to five. You know thinking that it's like you know another place, and I think a lot more stuff is coming out now around the fact that five D is still physical.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's just, you know it's, it's a lighter energy, so we're going to be able to have the most amazing kind of ways to communicate and things that we can't even imagine, but it's still physical. So I think that has, kind of like helped me remain grounded. But also, in my astrology, I'm two earths and a water, so I'm Virgo, sun, Scorpio, moon, Capricorn rising. So I think it's quite easy for me to remain grounded, even though I definitely have this kind of this vision of this 5D world, and part of what I'm here to do is to add the manifesto, to speak about it to, you know, share this vision, to activate people and get them excited about it.

Speaker 1:

Because when I first started healing, like I said, I was scared about 5D. I was like, oh my God, am I going to lose my friends? Am I going to lose my you know my partner? Am I just going to float off somewhere? And it's like actually no, you know, this is what we came here to do in this lifetime and those who are, you know, here for it. We're all going together. You know, actually there's probably more of us that are going than are not going. That's kind of my belief.

Speaker 1:

So I think it's quite easy for me to remain grounded, but I do still. You know, every day when I do my energy and connection, I always make sure that I ground. You know, first, first of all I do my cleansing, then I bring in my shields, connect to a source, connect 5D, bring in emerald green healing lights, activate my own divine energy, which is gold, of course, and then I channel all of those five energies down into Mother Earth and see them filling up the core and then expanding out to engulf the whole of Mother Earth. And then the last thing is always bringing back up Mother Earth energy and just seeing that in my field to make sure that I am connected because I don't really feel like I've bloated off. You know, it sounds like your Claire, sentient as your, would you say, that's your dominant Claire.

Speaker 2:

I guess I don't even know that much about what does that mean?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so so, Claire, I think I'm getting this right. Claire. Sentient is feeling when you feel you know what someone else is feeling.

Speaker 1:

So I don't, I don't really I've never really had that sense of floating off, because I'm more Claire, cognizant, which is just you just know stuff, which is probably really helps me when it comes to my, you know, designing the healing activations, because I just know what's collectively held and what's mine. I can differentiate really easily. And then I'm also Claire, so that vision, being able to see where was I going with this, can't remember where I was going. Where was I going?

Speaker 2:

I was saying about how I was floating off the earth energy and then senses.

Speaker 1:

And I was saying I was feeling, I was saying some people float off, oh anyway, I'll just wrap it up by saying yeah, so I've never really had that sense of like leaving the earth. I've always been quite grounded, but I still like to make sure that I'm fully connected. So I'll do the connection and I'll be like I'm safe, secure, grounded, fully connected to mother earth and abundant, expansive and free, connected to divine source.

Speaker 1:

to make sure I'm that channel, because you know, everything that we're, that we're doing here to get to 5D is channeling 5D, but into the physical, and it is important that we remain connected and remember that we're not floating off. We're here to create physical form, but a 5D version of it, a higher vibrational version.

Speaker 2:

I love that all of the energy was the answer to that question, because I also, in finding this, was like the realization that, like sacral and root chakra energy were just really neglected and I kind of had this as many of us do wounded relationship with the masculine and it was like I literally could feel like it was like here I'm lit up and then energy like didn't flow down, and so also in that, like clearing of those energy centers and allowing energy to flow into the earth allowed me to function as like a more functional, responsible human being in the material and I noticed some people that might sound like such a strange thing, but it's just like it does that is so much more effective than trying to be responsible or like install certain habits, you know, although I do love habits.

Speaker 1:

So do you, do you feel like you float off sometimes, or in the past you felt like you floated off, or is it more like just getting shit done because you were saying that? You know, you feel like I'm quite grounded in the physical.

Speaker 2:

I've definitely watched people like float off and feel maybe a little bit disassociated, as like disassociated or like escapism, right, because, like I think that's something that happens too. It's like people become aware of this world of consciousness and it's like it's like they just don't want to return to this. And I think for me it's been in navigating and it's so interesting, like I'm thinking about this energetically and, of course, as I'm saying it, my mind is presenting to me all of these examples. I think it's been in really balancing the two right, masculine and feminine, like conscious and material. So the thing that's coming to my mind right now is like one of the ways that this materializes is, I think, when we become aware of all of this, all of this subconscious stuff and reprogramming and belief work, people, people sometimes look solely to that. Right, it's like people in this world will be like I find a block, I find a block, I find a block, I find a block. And it comes at this point it's like there might not actually be a block now. You might just have to do the work. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

And so there was a realization of kind of like we tend to seek what we know, and so once we know about all this stuff and the subconscious, we just keep seeking more and more and more of it, and with other spiritual entrepreneurs, sometimes it's like you don't have any more. You actually just have to go and build a business in the 3D. You're not going to manifest the whole thing, you need an accountant. You know that kind of thing. So I think there's been maturity and understanding how to weave, and I've been talking about this a lot lately in my work.

Speaker 2:

The understanding of manifestation doesn't mean that everything's easy. It means that we have the ability to utilize ease where ease is available, so that we can focus on efforts where effort is necessary. And so again, there's like this not everything has to be hard, right, it is this. It's like life gets less dense, is what it feels like to me. But then we still have to understand how do we actually operate in the world as it is, and to me that's like almost like spiritual maturity is the word that's coming through is that we have this expanded awareness and we're very functional, thriving human beings.

Speaker 2:

I think that's the beauty right.

Speaker 1:

I love what you just said. Then it's like it gets so easy to get caught up in like the block. Is that you're looking for a block?

Speaker 2:

I'm looking for a fucking block. That's always the last block.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, exactly. Just get out your own fucking way. But I love what you just said, then, because the image that came to mind is of a swimmer who does breaststroke, because it's like, it's like there's the expansion with the, which is the feminine, and then it's the forwards, like propelling, you know it, yeah, and then it kind of contracts and you propel yourself forward. Maybe I've got it back to front. I'm just trying to imagine a.

Speaker 2:

No, I feel it, I feel it, yeah, yeah, yeah, so you're going forward.

Speaker 1:

You're going, your hands are together, going forward, which is the masculine You're driving forward and then your hands open and which is into the feminine, and you're getting the momentum and the flow to then take the next stroke and you're driving forward and it's that kind of beautiful blend of the two because that's what propels you through the water. But hopefully, if you do it gracefully enough, you look like a beautiful, you know, breaststroke swimmer. Otherwise you just get sink. If I, mastering that flow, I'm not the best breaststroke swimmer, so, yeah, I'm not the best swimmer, but that's kind of what came to mind, where you've got to blend the two and get that you know tap into that flow so you get the momentum and that's what fuels that next sprint and I totally get that as a as a manifester.

Speaker 1:

You know my non-sacral cycles. They are sprints, they really are. I'm designed to be a hundred meter sprinter, whereas the sacral beings of the world, which my partner is one. I look at him and he wakes up every day and he's got like an abundance of energy and I'm just like I don't have that for about two thirds of the month. I've come to realize that there's only about eight to 10 days where I'm like head down sprint and the rest of the time I'm resting. So I've had to do a lot of work to decondition the sacral and the roots. Both of them are undefined for me. Obviously, being a non-sacral is undefined, but also I have an undefined root, so it's really easy for me to absorb sacral energy and that root pressure is kind of like pressure to take action when it's not actually in alignment with my soul to do that. So I've had to do a lot of work around that and just give myself fricking permission to rest, because if I don't, I don't have the energy for that hundred meter sprint when the time comes.

Speaker 2:

And I'd love to know what that was like for you, because I know that human design is something that we've really connected over and I'm a projector and I have almost no defined centers and I remember sitting. I should send you my chart.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I'm so bad.

Speaker 2:

I know me too. I love my people.

Speaker 1:

I'm not trying to solve it. I love it.

Speaker 2:

And you're like, oh you're, you know this. But I sat in my first real ex, like I had I had sort of you know dabbled. My first real experience was in this, this mastermind, and it was just. It was just like human design, human design, human design, human design. And I sat there wrying with tears streaming down my face because I felt so seen and there was so much that I had been shamed for my entire life. It's exactly how I am and it's exactly what my design is, and one of the biggest things was just those energy levels I just don't have.

Speaker 2:

And before I even started on this journey because I remember I was like it was kind of a career change and there was a lot of pushback from family and so I journaled a lot. I'm not a big journaler, actually, but I journaled a lot on who and how I intuitively am as a being and I really am more of a conceptual intellectual person and I'm just I'm just not a high energy human being. I'm actually fine with it now. I've tried all the things. I've tried getting up and pushing myself and working out all the time, and I do take really good care of my body, but I just don't and same thing, like I've always had partners.

Speaker 2:

I'm like, how do you just get up and go, go and then you come home and go to bed and then you get up and do it again the next day. It tires me out to watch people you know and, and yeah, or when people you know, when people do like a work thing and then an out thing and then a social thing, I'm just like, oh my God, it's insane to me. If I have a social thing, it's like that's it, I'm good, I'm good for a week, or yesterday. Wednesdays is my, my errand day. We we have to drive across the bridge cause we live across the bridge. From the on this big lake. I go to town and I get all the fancy groceries and brought dog food and all the stuff and that's it. That and some work and that's the day.

Speaker 2:

That's the day. That's all I've got in the tank and I'm done, you know.

Speaker 1:

And it's I so get that I really do, and I think I think it's so great for anyone listening who's a non-sacral to just give yourself permission to have a slower pace of life, you know, to know your own cycles, especially, you know, if you have a menstrual cycle. I read a book called Wild Power. I think it was soon after my spiritual awakening and that was so good to helping me tune into my menstrual cycle. And also we've spoken recently about the moon, the power of tuning into the moon, and obviously the menstrual cycle and moon is super connected there. You know, there's so many cycles that are going on all the time.

Speaker 1:

And I think as a manifesto. I'm deeply connected to collective energy. That's. You know, our type is the one who is we? We, literally it's like we've got our finger on the collective pulse and we're here to kind of tune into what the collective needs, before the collective knows they need it, and then birth that and initiate that and then everyone else kind of then gets involved and apparently the projectors and X in line, and then after that generators, then the mani-gens and then the reflectors and there's a whole kind of sequence.

Speaker 1:

So I'm so connected to collective energy and there's so many cycles happening and I've just had to really give myself permission to just get off the 3D hamster wheel.

Speaker 1:

And I've had so many, so many kind of like burnouts over when I was had the fashion ban with my partner I was he called me the robots because I literally just come from such a toxic, wounded, masculine environment of, you know, corporate banking and law.

Speaker 1:

It was hardcore, wounded, masculine. So there were so many kind of cycles of burnout that I was going through in that, in that business, and then when I had my spiritual awakening, then it was like, okay, I just have to get off that treadmill and I have to just really lean into my energy. That's when I found human design and that just gave me the permission. But when I first heard like that manifestors are only supposed to work 20% of the time, my jaw dropped and I was like what? Because that wounded masculine still had a hold on me and I've had to do so much reprogramming a lot of it collective around the wounded masculine and wounded feminine to reprogram it to divine feminine and divine masculine, because there's just so much like we just collectively believe that it's weak to rest, you know we collectively.

Speaker 1:

it's just so back to front. Everything is back to front and or upside down and that's you know, thousands of years of conditioning. But every time I still fall into the trap at times, but every time it kind of gets easier and easier and I just give myself permission just a bit more to just rest and trust that that energy and that passion will come back. Because I think that's the problem when I'm in my recycles as a manifestor, you really disconnect from the passion of what you're doing and that can be really scary.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Because you're just all of a sudden, you're just like I just don't give a fuck, I want to burn the whole thing down. And then a week later you're just like oh my God, this is amazing, I'm back. But it's just, you know, trusting yourself through that process, and it's not easy, but it gets slightly easier each time.

Speaker 2:

So interesting because that is something that comes up for me too. I feel like that is such a strongly held collective belief, though like it's lazy to rest, and I've really been working on the relationship of really letting masculine energy be sacred, masculine, which is one of the things that's led me to look for structures of cycles in nature, rather than like you know right. So it's like the, you know, the rising and the setting of the sun, the moon, all of these like what's going on in my body, rather than like the weekday and things like that.

Speaker 2:

But where is it going?

Speaker 1:

like this we're both so like Too many taps open in the head, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh, but do you also feel like we have an immature relationship with rest? I think we think of rest as just going and lying down, but I think there's so much in so many nourishing things, and recently I've been really interested in I don't even know what to call it creativity. Let's just say I've been really interested in creativity. I've been reading that book by Rick Rubin and just just you know, tuning into this kind of thing of artists, and there's this quote that I love, Something like art.

Speaker 2:

It's not about making art, it's about being in that wonderful state in which art is inevitable. And to me that's what rest is when I go and sit outside with my coffee at the top of the hill and I can see the vineyard and I feel the sun on my skin and all of the things. I'm in this beautiful state and this harmony of nature, and that's when I receive all of the best stuff that I've created. It's almost I receive in the feminine and then I give the instruction to the masculine and me to do Right, the masculine does not come up with the ideas that do the things. It's all in that beautiful state of receiving and I feel. For me, anyways, the maturity has been understanding how to play with that energy, and it doesn't necessarily have to be not that productive is the measure, but the rest doesn't necessarily have to be unproductive. In the context of our life it just feels different and it's almost like in the celebration of that we can embrace the wholeness of ourselves even more.

Speaker 1:

I love that and, funny enough, the word that was coming up for me before you said it was receiving, because that when we're resting it's like you said, it's not about being on the sofa, it's about receiving. Whether that's going to your favorite coffee shop or being in nature or going shopping for some clothes, it's just about being in that feminine energy of opening your mind up to receive. Whatever it is you need to then take action on in divine time. So I definitely, every time I kind of have a or get close to having that burnout, I have to remind myself that there is time to rest on the sofa, to like physically rest. But actually the rest cycle is about so much more than that.

Speaker 1:

Like you said, it's about socializing, it's about getting away from the computer and it's about fueling yourself with all the creativity and the ideas and the things that you see out and about that light you up and then funneling that into the masculine actions. When your energy tells you and this is something I've been really working on is not letting the clock like oh well, my menstrual cycle says that I'm technically in summer, I've actually come to realize that for me I'm still resting in summer, which is the time that we're supposed to be out and about and kind of taking masculine action. For me, my action pretty much only comes in autumn, which is that final eight to 10 day sprint. Are you the same in the run up to the moon?

Speaker 2:

I'm the same. Well, I don't even. Just I mean even in the seasons of the year, like that's like fall, so you're an autumn. I consistently noticed that fall is like my most.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's my highest energy, highest focus time of year, yeah, yeah, and with the moon I guess you're right.

Speaker 2:

The like seven days before the full moon, I probably have the most energy to check, as you're supposed to, but yeah, Well, I think it'd be seven days before the new, because that's the full.

Speaker 1:

it's the summer version. It's kind of like the ovulation menstrual cycle ovulation and then, yeah, I can't remember the name of no, I don't Anyway menstruation.

Speaker 1:

That's the yeah yeah. So I think the other thing that I've really been tuning into as well and I've just got a book that I'm so excited to read and that's really tuning into joy. So joy, whether I'm resting physically on the sofa or receiving, you know, doing whatever connects me to that feminine energy, could be dancing, it could be singing, you know whatever it is, or out and about, but then also making sure that I'm still in joy when I'm taking action and I'm enjoying it. You know, that's what I've kind of really come to. Take the word enjoy, you know everyone goes, oh, enjoy that, and I'm like, well, actually enjoy. Let's just remember the power of this word. We are here to embody joy, yeah. So whether we're resting or whether we're taking aligned action, just to do it super mindfully and do it for the right reason, at the divine time to do it, and not because you know the clock says or you're supposed to be in summer or you know whatever. Just tuning into the energy.

Speaker 2:

Isn't it interesting how intentional we have to be about that? Because I'm the same and recently I've been bringing in like I also love discipline, and particularly with like working out consistently, and so I've been really using habit, like habits, trying to, you know, get my, my neural pathways and my nervous system to be on my side and just help me feet go to the same place every day. But it's so easy to drop into this energy. It almost feels like I'm punishing myself when I'm like I'm gonna, you know, every day I'm gonna get up and I'm gonna do some kind of movement, I'm gonna do mindfulness and I'm gonna post. You know, I want a business and I have a body of this.

Speaker 2:

That are not unreasonable things, but getting into that thing of I'm gonna do this every day, it's so easy to tap into the energy of discipline and have it feel like a punishment, whereas it actually makes me so happy, and so it's been an invitation to kind of do exactly what you're saying.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I am gonna do all these things every day because I made this agreement with myself, but I'm gonna enjoy it. It's gonna be fun, I'm gonna let it be fun, and definitely some of that is loosening the structure. So instead I'm gonna move and that movement can be, you know, it can be more like play, it can be like dance, can be yoga, it can be working out. Do try to weight lift four times a week, but it's. I just find it interesting how the second we bring in that more masculine energy it wants to come with this rule lower density, heavy, punishing kind of feeling and it feels like a nuance almost and separating. Hang on, hang on, we can have this without that. We can have this and joy. We can have this and feeling good, but it takes a lot of it takes a lot of intentionality.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I've also come to that conclusion that it's about having a structure that's like within that structure, you can do like 10 different things. So you know, I've got in the morning, I'm gonna do some movement and I've got a whole list of things and it's like a menu and I wake up and I'm like, okay, today I feel like Pilates or Tamori, you know, today I feel like dancing or whatever. But it means that you've got that blend of the structure but also the fluidity and you're honoring the energy that's present, because, quite frankly, there are times of the month where I don't want to dance and I just want to do some really gentle yoga, and there are other times that I want to do some hardcore kickboxing. So I love the fact that you've also thinking about how can we have a structure that's a fluid and flexible structure?

Speaker 2:

I literally talk about the morning menu. I'm dying right now.

Speaker 1:

That's the morning menu. I love it, the morning menu. What are you talking about?

Speaker 2:

I do, I do, I talk about it in morning. I talk about it in morning.

Speaker 1:

I talk about it in morning Containers and stuff.

Speaker 2:

We're so on the same wavelength. It's actually wild, and I think yeah, so you go. It's so cool because we're both finding solutions to these. I don't even want to call them problems, but we're like no, I'm not going to just let it be this binary, I'm aware of this thing and I'm aware of that thing and I'm going to find a solution that makes sense to my experience is what I feel.

Speaker 1:

I also feel as well that it's giving us permission every day to choose what feels aligned. So it's like I've committed to doing this because it's in my best interest to move, but I still get to choose what that looks like. And I think having that every day and being like it's exciting because I wake up and I'm like oh, what do I feel like doing today to move my body, and that's empowering.

Speaker 2:

But that's exactly it. There was one point where I was like I'm going to make sure I put music on every morning with my coffee and just move to it because it feels so good, but then what I realized is making myself do something, in the name of feeling good, that doesn't feel good. In that moment she isn't feeling good. Do you know what I mean?

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's like a menu item, but there's lots of mornings that I put music on and I dance, but some mornings I just don't feel like doing it, and if I force myself to do it, I do something else. I might go and meditate. I always do something to balance my energy and intention, but forcing, yeah, it's the forcing, isn't it? I think it's the forcing.

Speaker 1:

It's the forcing and it's also making everything limited as well. So it's like why do we try and make everything so limited and so constricting? And obviously it's just thousands of years of conditioning, so that's why we do it. But it's like, actually, let's give ourselves permission to open up our minds and open up the possibilities and choose from a bigger range of things you know Well, that's it.

Speaker 2:

So do you have a threshold in your body about that? So I have this thing where I push but I don't force, and I can feel the difference in my body between pushing myself and this place where bodies know Like we're not doing that and I don't force.

Speaker 1:

Do you mean physical workouts or do you mean just in general, in general In general, like it could be.

Speaker 2:

definitely. I can feel it very clearly with physical workouts, but it can even be working on my business or something. I say I committed to something for a launch and it's like you should do this now and help push to a degree. But I can literally feel it in my body where there's this line where it's just like no, and I don't go past that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think. I mean I wasn't consciously aware of it, but now you say that, yeah, I do think I've learned where that, where that line is and I haven't crossed it for a while. Recently I was having a full on sprints and I didn't get everything done in that sprint, so it's kind of gone on to the next sprint, but I did stop at the time when I was done. I didn't force it, so I wanted to get everything done in that sprint and the sprint was coming to an end and I was only halfway through it and old me would have just powered through for about another. Probably would have been another three weeks and considering my sprints are now only about eight days long, the old me, I would have just been flat out on the sofa after that. I would have been spent and probably wouldn't have been able to get off the sofa for about three months and I was like no, it is what it is.

Speaker 1:

I fully trust and surrender that there is going to be a delay of what you know, launching whatever I want to launch. But it doesn't matter, because I really do believe that everything happens for a reason and what I'm birthing needs to be delayed on the bigger picture, for whatever reason. So that, I think, also gives me comfort to go. No, I know that my energy has run out. Chill out, just move everything. It's okay, because if you force it it's not going to be okay. And I truly believe as well that when you're creating, and whether you, when you're taking action in that divine masculine, you need to encode it with the frequency of 5D, because you're just butchering what you're creating.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my god, yes.

Speaker 1:

So you're just creating more 3D. If you put force into it, you may as well not bother doing it. You may as well just say I'll do this when the energy, the 5D energy, is there, because right now I'll do it when it feels good to do it, when it feels joyous to do it.

Speaker 2:

Because the force is almost just eliciting that pushback, isn't it? It's like you're not forcing forward and so you're getting an equal and opposite response, which is like you're creating. But it's like. That, to me, is the opposite of manifestation. It's like you're creating resistance and so you're being met with resistance. Oh my god, so interesting what you're saying. So I have a very interesting question for you, because I noticed that you've noticed all of these things and systems and correlations. Do you find a correlation between the energy state you're in and the receiving of money, like in a more masculine doing or a more feminine receiving cycle?

Speaker 1:

As in when I receive when I'm in more masculine or more feminine, so as in receiving when you're in more feminine, I think, probably receiving when in more feminine. So, which is also really good for me, if I only work one third of the month, that means I'm receiving two thirds of the month. But yeah, I do think for sure there is a correlation for sure between receiving when we're not doing which we've been so conditioned to believe, that we only receive when we take action. But it's not Like the action is the investment, and then we receive.

Speaker 2:

Totally. I find it like the complete opposite, which is so interesting. I mean, obviously you have to do all of this stuff, like you've got to build the systems and the structure. That is my business.

Speaker 1:

The investment.

Speaker 2:

But like when I'm actively doing marketing or promoting or something, that has never been the time that I've received the exponential magic money. That's always come in a season of very lean back, very just connected to the magic, and it just comes in. It just comes in.

Speaker 1:

I wonder as well, because when you're in that receiving energy, it's like there's less attachment when you're in that masculine energy. And I've read have you read A New Earth by Eckhart Toll?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

No, I mean, my book has blown my egoic mind just literally out of 3D. It's just like, honestly, it jumps the top of my recommended books list. It is incredible and I can't remember why I was going to say this. Why was I going to say this? What are we talking about?

Speaker 2:

Receiving and the feminine receiving money.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but why was it? Oh God, I keep losing my train of thought as well. We're doing it to each other.

Speaker 2:

I know we're just so excited. We're just so excited, we're just so excited?

Speaker 1:

Why was I talking about that? Oh, it'll come back to me. We were talking about receiving, weren't we? Masculine ego, yes, attachment, that was it. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

So, having read this book, he basically is saying that it's like non-resistance, non-judgment and non-attachment. They're the things that we need to lean into, and I think it's so easy when we're taking action that we feel like we're taking action to get to an outcome, so there's an expectation we're attached to. Like I think it's so easy. Sorry, that wasn't coming out right, okay. So, having read this book, it's all about how the ego wants to keep you either in the past or in the future. So anytime you're thinking about an outcome that you want to have, which happens so naturally when we're taking action, because we're so conditioned to be like if I do X, y will happen. So I think it's the ego shows up, particularly when we're taking action, if we're working on our business, because it's like well, if I do this, then I'm going to make X amount of money, or I'm going to have an amazing launch, or I'm going to get new clients, or whatever it is. But that's the ego. So every time you're thinking about the outcome, it's the ego is in charge and then we're just channeling the ego and 3D into our creations.

Speaker 1:

So if, instead, we can create and take action from a place of joy and we're creating without any attachment to what is going to happen, without any attachment to the money we'll receive, the clients will receive, you know, the impact, the visibility, all the things that you know. Obviously, visibility and impact is what we want. If we're doing it in a solar lined way, but all the egoic versions of that you know, which is I want people to think I'm amazing, you know that kind of energy Then that's when we receive, when we finish taking action and we sit back and we're like, oh my God, that was the most incredible thing to create, that I was in my joy, I'm unattached to what's going to happen. I think that's when, in that receiving, and you go, oh, I'm spent. That's when the money comes in. So the more we can take action without expectation which is the hard bit, without the kind of I'm doing this as a means to an end, without I'm doing this to prove something to someone or whatever it is.

Speaker 1:

I think that's when we really receive, because it yeah, we're opening ourselves up and we're doing it for the joy and the pleasure of taking the action.

Speaker 2:

Oh my goodness, that was so beautiful. I did definitely just got a code from that. I felt a land in my body. Oh, that was beautiful, amazing, amazing. Oh my goodness, I could talk to you forever. I'm going to read it.

Speaker 1:

It already just went on my yeah, you've got to read the book. It's so good. Honestly, it's blowing my egoic mind.

Speaker 2:

Amazing, amazing. I'll ask you where people can find you in a minute. Is there anything else that you want to share with us?

Speaker 1:

Is there anything else?

Speaker 1:

I think something that I would like to share around the collective subconscious, if I may is that there are so many things that I've uncovered that I hold in my subconscious that are collectively held, that has nothing to do with this lifetime. So I would really encourage people to be open to the fact that they are potentially carrying stuff that's collectively held. And also, you may have never experienced it in this lifetime or past lives. I've discovered some bonkers beliefs in my subconscious that I don't resonate consciously with at all. So I think that's something I would encourage everyone to be open to the fact that there's something that's being collectively held and it might show up, but it will show up probably very obscurely because you don't really resonate with it consciously. So that's something I would say be open to it, because there we're all one.

Speaker 2:

I love it. I've seen this as well. You're going to have to come back. Clearly, we're going to have to talk more because there's so much to talk about.

Speaker 1:

I know I could talk to you for hours.

Speaker 2:

So where can people find you?

Speaker 1:

So Instagram is probably the main social channel. So that is houseofguilt G-I-L-T. Dot-co, and then the website houseofguilt dot-co as well. So pretty simple, same handle. Amazing.

Speaker 2:

And we'll put, of course, all of Lisa's links below in the show notes so you can find them there. Lisa, thank you so much for joining me today.

Speaker 1:

I have absolutely loved it. It's been a joy, literally a joy. I've been sitting here just radiating because, it's so amazing to talk to you. Radiating gold energy.

Speaker 2:

Gold, that golden frequency, amazing, I love it. Thank you so much for joining us today, sending you so much love and bye for now.