Frequency with Michael Edwards

03. Unleashing Your Spiritual Grandeur w/Pop Star Chris Saint

Michael Edwards Season 1 Episode 33

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"People are enamored with celebrities, but its because they have not yet become the star of their own lives" -Chris

Join us for this magnetic conversation with talented pop star, speaker, manifestation coach & entrepreneur Chris Saint. Recognized by Forbes, and an influential voice in the new generation of spiritual awakening, Chris shares about authenticity, empowerment, and the profound impact of transcending ego.

We delve into the idea of 'living the highest timeline', embodying love, and transforming our concept of significance and fame. Chris also enlightens us about his spiritual journey, emphasizing the importance of aligning with love consciousness and striking a balance in creative expression.
This episode is definitely a must listen!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Michael Edwards show. Today, I am joined by the icon himself, my good friend, chris, who is a pop star, a manifesting icon, the holder of the celebrity frequency, an entrepreneur he was named a top entrepreneur by Forbes. He has such an influential voice he is the leader of I don't even know what to call it just like this new generation way of being is to what it means to me. Chris, you have been such an impact on my life. I feel like every time we speak, I just get some code from you that impacts my life so beautifully and so amazingly. I'm so thrilled to have you here today. Welcome.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, it's such an honor to be on the Michael Edwards show Like how spicy and sexy and fabulous. So I'm just honored and thrilled to be here and to be sharing in your light as well.

Speaker 1:

Amazing, amazing. And so you're very new to me in terms of we just met in the 3D more recently, but I sort of get this feeling that you just arrived at being you, in a way. And if that's true, can you tell us, and I want to know how did you become sort of Chris, the icon that you are?

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh. Well, yes, that's so funny because I feel like we've known each other only like a year or in Earth years, but like our souls have known each other for 10,000 years. So it's funny, we definitely were like soul family when we just met Basically. Oh no, that's totally not the case. It's been a human trajectory of unlearning, of expansion, in order to be more in alignment with the version that I am right now and just here in this moment, just like to add color to what Michael, you're saying is. You know, I drive a pink Mercedes, I'm friends with Paris Hilton.

Speaker 2:

I, you know, have my own marketing company, I'm a manifestation coach and also a pop star, and so on. The exterior it seems, oh, I'm just very fully expressed and you know I'm standing in that divine beingness and that power, but truly I feel like just being vulnerable. It's been at least a three decade journey of learning to love myself and, to, you know, come into that true nature of who I am loving, awareness, and to see, chris, this shell that I have with through the eyes of love and through God's eyes of adornment and adoration. And so I think that it's definitely through the spiritual awakening journey that I've been on, I've come into more integrity of who I want to be and who God has called me to be, and that unfoldment, you know, hopefully gets to inspire other people.

Speaker 1:

I love that you talked about vulnerability and integrity, because I think that's the thing that makes knowing you feel so different than like someone else who on the surface, may appear to have some of the things, but it's like a very it's. I feel like it's a very different experience of the human being. Can you talk a little bit about what those two things mean to you and what your journey has been with them?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I really. An example that I use before I go into myself is why people feel so connected to Oprah is Oprah has this depth, she has this richness and this texture to the things she says. So she's not just a host or a broadcaster. She's able to hold the space for the brilliance of others to shine, and the reason why she can do that is because she's so emptied herself. She's done the work, you know. She's learned how to get close to her own heart, and I think that I've gone through that similar journey and I'm still on that journey of learning to get close to Chris's, to my own heart.

Speaker 2:

So we know that the soul's journey is to experience love, and it's we are. Our true identity is consciousness, experiencing love through itself. And so you know, I've had to go through just even my lived experience right. It's provided me a tapestry of challenges to transcend. So you know, obviously, being a queer person of color, a lot of my identity has been entangled with shame, just not enoughness.

Speaker 2:

You know, I'm a music artist, and part of what inspired me to become a music artist is that I wanted to tell my own versions of love and my own love stories to the world through music and I had to go through a long journey of putting music out, taking it down, like I got a record deal and I would still like release music and then take it off the internet, because I'd gone through this like tug of war of does my stories matter?

Speaker 2:

Do I matter? Does my love story have any value? Does Chris have any value by expressing himself? And so I think that is something very relatable. We all go through a version of that and I think that, to your point, part of what's helped me navigate my shadow you can call it that or just sort of learn to love the parts of Chris's fragmented inner child that honestly had to protect himself or shield himself from love. That has been part of the core of what my spiritual awakening has done. It's brought me deeper into alignment with Chris and within myself, so that not only can I hold space from a higher perspective but also be really grounded in this life experience that I get to have.

Speaker 1:

This is. I mean, you just blew my mind. First of all, because this is one of the things that I want to talk to you about. I find so often when I have these conversations with people, it's like the thing that I want to ask them about, that I notice about them isn't just like this thing that happens to be, it's something that's really intentional, and so one of the things that I wanted to ask you about that is, to me, one of the most amazing things about you is that you hold this celebrity star quality, self expression frequency and you are so generous in celebrating other people and sharing your energy and uplifting others, and it's this beautiful mixing of energies.

Speaker 2:

Yes, oh, thank you for that. I'm receiving that and that makes me feel so happy. I love you. Know, as a lot of kids in the early 2000s myself, I was just very enamored with celebrity culture. I live in Los Angeles, I was born and raised in Northern California, but I came to LA 16 years ago for school and I think on a surface level I was attracted to it. The attractive people and just like they seem, they're seemingly living interesting and exciting lives. And what actually came into my discovery being able to, over the last 15 years, work for maybe 15 plus celebrities in different capacities is that we are all the star of our own lives. Mary Ann Williamson she says this amazing thing is that we're so obsessed with celebrities and stars because we're not yet starring in our own life. And what I've learned is that why we're attracted to that, or why we create this bond, is because they're evoking that higher nature of us.

Speaker 2:

It's that they're just the embodiment of people that have lived or achieved more expanded realities. And there's that part of our divine and being that I want that. I want more expansion. And it doesn't mean you want to have a million followers or live in a mansion. It means that there's a part of you that wants more.

Speaker 1:

But what about this other piece that you're talking about? Because I think a lot of people think about celebrities or celebrity energy and it's in a very like me, look at me, kind of way. And when you talk about this kind of energy of Oprah, where you've emptied yourself out and it's not about you talk about bringing that in, talk about all that, how that all fits together, yes, I have a huge perspective about this.

Speaker 2:

I really truly at the core of myself. I think the word fame it has a frequency that people associate with like self centeredness or arrogance or whatnot, but I've always just kind of shifted the idea of fame into visibility, which to me is service. So I think that when you are here and you know being able to have worked with the Kardashians, for instance, like part of what I've done as a talent producer, working with them is managing their digital presences through their blog websites and their social media, and this was about like 10 years ago, but even then, oh my God, the amount of like fan mail that they would get and just sort of letters and DMs and messages from fans saying things like oh, I don't have a family, so I love just looking at your family, or I have a strange relationship with my parents or my siblings, and so your family gives me hope. And essentially, well, you know, famous, we know the energetics of wealth creation.

Speaker 2:

It's giving and receiving are the same, and so they're giving so much access to themselves, to their personal lives and just like the inspiration every day posting and giving them. You know, literally no privacy, and in that it's no question why there are billionaires or multimillionaires because they're receiving so much energy in the form of love. And so, in my opinion, what if you are at some level of public notoriety or even just within your own community? That is a service and that is really to me like a level of like, even I want to say like discipleship, depending on what your message is or what transmission you're putting out there. If it's that frequency of love, consciousness, the more visible, the more expanded, the more lifted you are, the more ripples of good and power and service and prosperity you get to create through you being, quote unquote, famous. So and I've seen it in so many different cases with other celebrities, where it's like them, just showing up and being in their authenticity literally saves lives.

Speaker 2:

It turns more from going on that path or going on that path, and I know you and I both experienced that, just even from coaching and just sharing our truths right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, a million percent. This is going to be one of those conversations that I listened to three times to get all the tidbits and all the wisdom. And it's interesting what you're saying about this, too, because I feel like every time I tune into your Instagram, you're on a stage or you're speaking somewhere, you're doing something which is so amazing. But I also get this sense that having a voice and having that reach and that impact is really important to you. I feel like you treat it as something sacred. Would you say that?

Speaker 2:

Yes, I feel like for a long time I didn't really receive that gift.

Speaker 2:

Obviously, I think that God gives us gifts that we're meant to share, but the hardest part that most of us go through on our spiritual journeys is to actually receive it, and by that I mean to know the value and the worth of what you are here to bring to the world.

Speaker 2:

And so I think oftentimes I would kind of, or, on an egoic level, I would diminish oh, chris, no one wants to hear you, or it doesn't matter if you shine your light or whatnot. And I do think that it's that incessant voice, that God texting you, blowing up your phone, calling you repeatedly to expand and to share that truth. And so, for me, now I'm definitely coming into a season of where we're, at a time. We're at this juncture, this pivot, where I believe more of us are awakening to a level of visibility and of empowerment, personal empowerment and to be able to I call this the first lit birthday candle is that we are the first lit birthday candles, those of us that are rising up, and when you light a birthday cake, you have one lit candle and then that goes in light all of the other ones.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 2:

So you know, to me, I think that is a sacred duty to be able to share your truths of love and ignite others.

Speaker 1:

Oof, I ignite some of my favorite words lately yeah, it's totally, it is totally, that isn't it? And I think it takes a lot of courage, like it takes a lot of courage to go first and to be different and to speak and to, yeah, to be at the beginning of that wave.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my God, it does. And you know I think that I played with this. This is very relatively new, just here in my awakening journey, but I'm all about. Oftentimes I'm moving into the space of just collapsing duality and just being in the identity, of pure awareness. I know I'm here to experience reality through this shell of Chris, but in that more expanded state I move into this space of am I living my highest timeline? Am I showing up to the highest version of God, given potentiality within me, here in the now moment?

Speaker 2:

And from that point of power I just kind of give no fuck. I'm like it doesn't matter, we're all just at the playground playing shit, we're trying stuff. There's some horrible things happening here in the world, but wherever you have your point of power and point of privilege, I'm like, oh, that the blessings in my life and the soul meant, has afforded me the possibility to still rise up and to still shine my light, no matter how difficult life might be. And so I'm in this point of okay, cool, if I come into this divine beingness and seeing this entire stage as a playground, I'm like, no, let's have some fun. Let's actually just start a podcast, have your own show, you know, dressed in a colorful outfit. Oh, fucking, lights up your soul. You know, I'm just living in that frequency at the moment.

Speaker 1:

That's it though, and I feel like I received that from you without like any. There was no coaching around or anything, we were just in conversation. But I remember it like it was just, it was just landing. It was landing and it's so funny that it's hilarious to think now.

Speaker 1:

But like this blue light right here, like I have a just tiny little blue highlight on my face, and I was when I first set this up, I was like, is that too edgy? If I have blue on my face, then now it's full of like gold all over the internet, like sure, but I really feel like this is the thing. This is the thing about energetic codes. I can't even fully put it into words, but I think we were on a conversation one time and I was still really in that kind of coach therapist paradigm and I just got this vision of being free and traveling and being like covered in glitter and dancing and like doing the magic work and killing people. There's like this sense of freedom, and I remember saying that to you and you were like, yes, you were like that's you, that's you, and I just I feel like I received that from the most beautiful gift from you in that moment.

Speaker 2:

I guess I mean honestly, I feel like you are the medicine. That's just sort of like you are the healing. And when I was working with Mary Ann Williamson, at one point she had a joint event with that cartoulette and so they had the speaking event and it was so funny because it wasn't. It was a relatively big auditorium room but it wasn't massive. But I just remember like just being in the vibrational vicinity of Eckhart and the air felt like.

Speaker 2:

It felt like he had already just it wasn't about what he was saying verbally, it was just this healing field that he had created from the frequency that he was holding. He calls himself frequency holder and so I 100% believe that is that like when you and kind of in the space of Oprah right, it's like people that go to her couch or go into an interview. They don't. They don't go into the interview thinking that they're going to reveal everything to Oprah, but because she has this frequency in which you know she's very comforting and nurturing, then everyone just spills all of their juice to her. But it's pretty much that it's like when you're in the vibrational vicinity of a celebrity, of a star, of just somebody else like yourself and you know us both being creatives. It's that we're giving people permission, like you said, through a code. It's just this, like subconscious permission for them to shine their light brighter.

Speaker 1:

That's something just landed for me and that was I. Yeah, 100%. That's 100% what it is. I never I've thought about frequency holders and I recently because a lot of the personal development stuff that I've been to has been online because of COVID and everything. So I went to the first in-person thing recently and I really felt the difference in energy and being there. But I never thought about all of the like when you say you are the medicine and all of those different kind of like personal frequencies that we hold, like it really is incredible. And something that connected when you were talking about people spilling their guts to Oprah is one of the things that people always say to me is I never open up this much or I never cry or I never say all those things, and people always say there's like something about your energy that makes me open up and I just I feel like you just expand. Yeah, I don't know. Something just connected for me when you were talking about all that, because that is totally what it is.

Speaker 2:

I honestly think it's that part of us that are on the awakening path that are doing this work, and I mean healing generational trauma or just like shifting timelines or whatnot, like all of that is.

Speaker 2:

It is a sacred responsibility, but also it's a sacred duty, in a sense, because as we are moving and we're ascending into higher frequencies, you're a proxy for God. It's like a God frequency, it's unconditional love, right and so for you to be the speaking of light and for somebody to be able to divulge and to share their truths with you in the presence of being seen, being witnessed by you, you are automatically healing that. And so I've noticed that, just as a music artist like one other example is I went to an Alanis Morcette concert recently, maybe a year ago, but holy shit, like just the way that her voice was just like reverberating throughout. She has that signature yodel. I'm like she's omitting a frequency that is literally healing the Hollywood Bowl, 20,000 people. I'm just like that's her power and that's her duty All of us, whether it's auditory, through public speaking, or through music, or it's like through your book a book is a frequency. Through your art, and art is a frequency. So all of that has massive potential for healing.

Speaker 1:

I think it's so interesting that you're talking about art and music, because I think something that I've been really tapping into recently is this connection between I don't even know what to call it it's like between creativity and, I want to say, like our divine, our authenticity, like our mission, like all of these things, and it's kind of come through in a couple of different ways.

Speaker 1:

Like one is, I've been becoming more and more tuned into just all the different energy centers, like the chakras and the noticing, because in that whole understanding of things, where the creative energy is literally life force energy, right, it's like creativity, sexuality, life force energy, they're all like kind of one chakra. And then also this is kind of funny you, I remember you encouraged me to read that book I think it's the Ricky Rubin book and I was like I'm not going to read it, and then Natalie was reading it and then I was like I'm still going to read it, and then this passage from it forced its way into my life. It was the universe, was like you have to have this information, and it was this quote from it, something like it's not about forcing yourself to create, it's about living in the exquisite state where creation is inevitable and I think there's. I think there's. Yeah, there's almost like this sacred link between creativity and healing and all of this other stuff that we're talking about.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I think when people can, instead of like the label or the sort of like the bucket or this structure of what it needs to be a creative, I think that when you can accept creativity as an aspect of the divine, then things get really fun. Because in Genesis and the Bible, create is the first active word in the Bible. So my belief is that creativity is a, it's a supernatural power, it's our divine power and we know, in conscious reality, creation. We are like, yeah, we can create with our hands, or we could write a book or make a podcast or whatnot, but our life is being created. We're creating it through our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and so to me, I think that's the, that's the masterpiece and it's like almost like a talent.

Speaker 2:

As you're saying, just as we come into these emotions that some of us aren't able to really feel or really understand is that the emotion is energy and motion, and so when you can use art as a conduit to reach people and to create connection and to bond people through storytelling, I think it's just so powerful and just.

Speaker 2:

I think that even just to use your gold, fierce, glitter picture as an example is in some way, something like just a photo of you being fully expressed or you being creatively expressed in that moment. I think that to me, that's the spiritual liberation work that we're doing. We've all heard the phrase about how hurt people hurt people, but I think, free people, free people, and I think that when you're in that frequency of spiritual liberation, of freedom, and then you can express that through your art, I think that, again, going back to celebrities, that's why so many people love them is because a lot of them, let's say, like Nicki Minaj or Beyonce or whoever, they just are like being who they are, they're being big, they're not carrying the weight of shame that so many of us are coded and programmed into, and maybe they are behind the scenes, but their persona is able to transcend that, their public persona, and I think that's what gives people hope and inspires people.

Speaker 1:

Like a million percent. I think sometimes that people that might not have the kind of perspective that we have might just think that all some of this sounds like very like airy fairy. I know, I obviously don't mean that to criticism. I think it's been really interesting for me because I was in therapy world for a while and then it's really led to this. But what I find is this is what's on the other side of a healing journey, and I don't think that anyone really gets here without doing this deep inner healing work. And then I always say this is kind of the fun part, that's on the other side. Right, I've actually regulated my nervous system. I have, like you, heard out the drama. I'm becoming the conscious creator of not just my life, but I feel like it's myself and life responds. You know it's. I'm intentionally in directing my energetic and emotional state. So do you feel like that's? Is that the path that you've experienced from this kind of healing to this liberation and freedom as you talk about?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love this question because I think about it just from. Like Chris is like human right, where I say that I've had to come out of the closet three times. So it's not like my sexuality, hey guys, I'm gay. But the second time was I'm an artist and I had already, prior to that, built this very like academic professional, chris Valdutorian, getting two degrees from university and all these different things. And then I'm like, hey guys, sorry, I'm sexy pop star, that's who I am.

Speaker 2:

And then now, honestly, it's being a spiritualist or being a spiritual leader and a lot of that is up against where the times are right.

Speaker 2:

And I think, like you, just you mentioned mental health and therapy and it's funny because it's only been within this last decade that people will go to therapy is just like routine, you know, helping themselves, mental health, there's no issues or problems. It's just like having a personal trainer for your brain. And that is actually moving now into to the spiritual health space where that is actually going to be the next wave. And right now some of us feel like we're on the fringes and we're like woo, woo or we're mystics or whatever. But Harvard researchers are starting to see now that spirituality is not only integral for chronic disease but for overall health, and that there's all these polls where 41% of American adults are saying that they have a spiritual awakening symptoms, which equates to over 100 million Americans. So this is not a small like. We are all going through this and feeling stuff that we don't really we can't fully understand, and maybe science has the key, maybe religion or spiritual out or whatnot but that's what we're all trying to discover and figure out.

Speaker 1:

Totally, and this is really interesting and I can't be too specific, obviously, because of confidentiality, but I have had a number of very successful either from psychology backgrounds or very academic clients that have come to me because they have become more spiritual and they've, you know, they're in some kind of leadership role and it's basically this thing where they intuitively know that this, what they found, is more powerful and more real and more effective.

Speaker 1:

Then you know this, like academia, whatever they were taught, but there's often this, this unconscious thing, that which, of course, is my frickin wheelhouse. But it's fascinating how many clients I've had that have come specifically for that. I want to speak this, I want to share this truth, I want to, you know, be this channel and tap into my more intuitive self. But there's this piece where and they can't even put their finger on it, which is why it's unconscious that it's not okay to diverge from academia, even though they consciously see that there's more. So I'm so happy that you referenced the Harvard study. I see it in my work as well, even though I already know it. There's something about it that's kind of reinforcing, right. It's not the only one.

Speaker 2:

I think it's honestly amazing and that's why, as you said earlier, like I'm so passionate about being in community with this next generation of spiritual leaders, or people that are, are stepping into that space very boldly, unbridledly, just fully. And a lot Because for me I feel a little bit lucky in a sense is that through my awakening journey, I was supported through like the resources that I had, the coaches, the all of the different like people that came into my life, but I also recognize that is still it's still not the norm for people as well. The online space has opened it up for a lot of people throughout the world.

Speaker 2:

People are still sort of confined to what their practice of healing needs to look like, or even something as simple of like people that are very in bondage in terms of, oh, I have to stay in this career or I have to like in this life path. Right, there is this part of us in Maslow's hierarchy of human need. The top of the pyramid is the desire to become one's most self. It's self-actualization, and so not only is it in our human DNA, but it's in our spiritual DNA to evolve, but so many of us are still in bondage from who we think we have to be, and I believe that if you're Beyonce, you're a spiritual leader, because she's at the edge, she's on the outer edges of creation and imagination, and that in itself is spiritual.

Speaker 1:

Totally. It's like leading the way and breaking those shackles, and I think that sort of like deconditioning or the re-offering to people of choice is how I think about it. It's they think there's no choice, but there actually is, and it's the giving back of that is actually one of the most powerful things. But yeah, it's just so. It's like the feeling that I get when I think about it. It's so many people are in this fixed, this kind of fixed energy, and I was in that and I had kind of had this like real run when I was younger.

Speaker 1:

I was really successful as a choreographer, I did some really big things, I accomplished the things, and then I kind of had this you know ex-football syndrome or was like that was it. I reached the peak of my life and this is it, and it just felt like layers of settling and this is all that life was going to be. And I think it's so easy to get into that right. And you're right, there are celebrities and so many people and things, and I think that's really, if you boil it down, that's kind of what the spiritual awakening does. In a way, it breaks you out of who you thought you were supposed to be and makes you up to who you are.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I mean honestly, I feel like that's why I'm grateful that even our stories really reflected and mirrored and intersected at a certain time, because I think, as we move in this fractal line, right, all of us are really helping to reflect and to show everyone else that it's safe, right, and every. I always go back to the word inspiring, because inspiring means in spirit, and so when somebody's living that inspiring life, it's just that you can feel the spiritual texture of their essence and the way of being that they embodied, right, and so as we move and we play together, we create together. It somehow unlocks this permission slip that our inner child needs, that it's almost a reminder that it's safe to be yourself, it's safe to be big, it's safe to shine your light, and I think that, again, that there's this nefarious programming that's wanting to keep us in that more small version of who we're being told that we have to be in order to be safe.

Speaker 1:

That spiritual texture that you can feel. Ooh, I love the language around that. Do you feel like that? That's something that you play with?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, honestly, I feel like my soul. It's so funny because you go through this journey and then you're like there's no way I agreed to that. And then you go into meditation you're like, yeah, my soul definitely agreed to that. Things where, like, I have, like all of this, the personal pursuits of how expanded I wanna be as a music artist, as a soon to be reality star, and just all these different things that I do and be. However, the way that my life had unfolded was that I had to align higher consciousness and spirituality and love consciousness to that purpose.

Speaker 2:

And when I see it like back, if, let's say, I had massive success or fame, like 10 years ago, it would have definitely been under the influence of my ego, and I'm not saying that from a bad way, but I just know that the impact and the ripple of service and prosperity that I could actually give to the world would be so much.

Speaker 2:

And I think that now, having gone through the spiritual awakening, there's almost this badger of honor that I can now fully receive, where I now understand that anything that I do, whether it's within my business, like as a music artist, or in the activist and social impact space, all of that matters, Like all of it gets to belong, it all gets to be integrated in a way because, as God consciousness, like there's no limits, there's no boundaries or, you know, there's no rules, so to speak. And so I think that part of even as these new leaders are awakening into society, there's also this excitement around for me like not necessarily dismantling but really evolving what we think of as a spiritual leader. But it's not just Deepak or Eckhart or, you know, the guru in Lotus Pose. It's like you get to be a spiritual leader as an author, as a speaker, as a pop star, as a mother, as a teacher, whatever, it doesn't matter. I think that we are all called in our own ways to spread love.

Speaker 1:

That process that you're talking about, that time where you're like if it had come then there would have been too much ego and it would have limited. What would you say to someone that's like working through that time themselves?

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, I love this question because it's so funny. Obviously, being a California kid and just like having lived that experience, I also went to USC, which is it's infamously called the University of Spoiled Children.

Speaker 2:

There's like a lot of kids' trust funds there, and so, when you're surrounded and working with celebrities but I like that level of like wealth creation and abundance and affluence I think that there's this idea that, oh, that's the straight shot, okay, this is what we're here to do and this is like the conquest, right. But we know in the Bible what it says is that seek ye first the kingdom of God, and those things will be added onto you, and so that's not obviously the way that modern society works. We're seeking our wholeness and our love in separation. We're seeking it in all of these experiences outside of us, and what I had to realize was that if I had done that and if I had continued on that path, the ego, my ego, would have been insatiable, right, like I would have just been like, oh yeah, more Birkins, more Louis Vuitton bags, like what it just let them.

Speaker 2:

Just, it's honestly uncontrollable. I am surrounded by people with massive amounts of following, of fame, of like everything, and it's always like the next best thing, what's the next thing I need? And part of what the spiritual awakening did it really showed me that, like this path of wholeness, of happiness, you have joy that you want to call it like. It's really from a sense of letting go, of surrender, of trust. It's not manifestation culture, which it is now and you and I are privy to it. Where it's, let's like, bolster and barrel through and get our desires.

Speaker 2:

And I mean I'm before that. At the same time, like sometimes, the ego just needs to like be dissolved in order for you to see there.

Speaker 1:

Do you feel like that happened in layers?

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, yes, and it's still happening. I was gonna say it's.

Speaker 1:

I feel it's never ending. Huh, no, you go ahead, you go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was just saying my awakening started about eight years ago, and so now, oh my God, my ego's so for lack of a better phrase. It's so beaten down in the best way possible that like it's dissolved to a certain level where, even if I have a moment where I'm, like stressed out or frustrated or really attached to an outcome in a relationship or, you know, with business or something that I'm pursuing, it's dissolved enough for me to still hold that expanded awareness, to receive and to understand that like my value is coming from within. It's always like creation is an echo of what I have inside, and so it doesn't mean that I won't continuously go down the rabbit hole or go down the road to go and try to get that stuff, but I can now recognize much quicker that the fruit that I'm actually looking for is within.

Speaker 1:

Well, it was probably one of the most life changing moments for me when that really came. There's these things that we're aware of. That's hard to articulate, but I know exactly what you mean. I feel it like differently in my body Ever since that really landed. The value comes from within and I think we hear that as a concept so much, but I think when it really lands, I think it changes and changes everything.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, I think about that moment where we were going to record a podcast or we were doing something together and, like before that, you were on a boat with your friends.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm on a boat, like whatever you know, and I'm like that's what I'm saying is actually what people think that they want, whether it's like a million dollars or a mansion or whatever these things outside of them.

Speaker 2:

Is that like in your present moment, like the fullness of life exists in this now moment, and so, because you've also done this work to close the gap between your higher self and your ego, you can feel the fullness of everything you need. But I'm going to go on a boat with my friends and that's going to be so fun, or, you know, for me, I'm like, honestly, if I go, it could be something so simple. I was eating a poke bowl the other day and I was just like. I was just like so, in the love frequency based on, like, how good this poke bowl was, I had two. Honestly, I ordered two and I was just like so obsessed with it and it was just like that, something that, like, some billionaires don't even have. They don't have that ability to feel that level of gratitude and love with a present experience, oftentimes because what they're pursuing is still in possession of them, meaning their ego is still driving the steering wheel.

Speaker 1:

Totally. It's such an interesting relationship with ego. I think I don't know if you identify with any of this, but I think for me, because I was a performer right and it was very there was that kind of look at me energy and it was just part of it. And then when I stopped being a dancer and I became like a normal person, people didn't like that, I feel like there was shame around that and so I just it was like I suppressed all of it. And then I think, in the claiming of me and my full expression of self, there's feels like a reactivating of some of that energy, because it's part of who I am.

Speaker 1:

But then the refinement process of, okay, I'm going to hold this where, like you said, I can have my flashy gold photos and have these moments where I'm like really feeling myself and the camera and just, yeah, this energy, this performance energy, let's call it. But also holding which is so important to me is this Compassion and this love, frequency and this awareness that's so beyond, beyond myself. And I think before I stepped into this realm of awareness, it was like I just thought about. It was like all black and white, I guess. Do you identify with any of that?

Speaker 2:

Oh, my god, of course there's this, there's this passage within the course and miracles. They talk about grandeur and grandiosity, and grandiosity is of the ego, but grandeur is of the spirit. And so, honestly, it is this fine line right, and it is part of our spiritual practice. To really like you, I like that you use the word refine, to really refine the edges of what sort of intention am I moving from? But I think that's where people get really confused, because in there in some people's minds they think, oh well, I'm going to swing back to the opposite extreme and be shy and modest and like overly humble.

Speaker 2:

So the course and miracles resolves that by saying that grandeur is of the spirit, it's honor, it's reverence, it's devotion to who you were called to be. If we knew that, if we believe that God is this masterful artist and he doesn't create worthless things, then why would we then ascribe to ourselves that our life is worthless or that what we are here to do is worthless? And we are here to stand in the reverence and that honor and that devotion of our bigness. And in doing so we get to reflect and embody this frequency, like you said, this light to really shine to others.

Speaker 2:

And so I think I'm just having worked with celebrities, working with people like you, I'm like bigger, everyone go bigger. Yeah, it's like spiritual leaders. If that is your mission, that us playing small Marianne Winston says that's that you're playing small doesn't serve the world, and I think that we've somehow misinterpreted this idea of ego. Honestly, I've. Ego is just being identified with the body and enlightenment is being identified with spirit, but there is this masterful dance that gets to happen between your higher self, god, and its creation in this very harmonic masterpiece of expression. So I believe that they have. They come together in the best way possible.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that we're talking about this and this. What you said about most people just turn it back off. That's. I talk about this so much in my work. It's that's the easiest thing to do Just shut down a whole part of yourself.

Speaker 1:

But I think that's part of reintegration, and becoming whole is becoming one with all of these shadow parts and sometimes, you know, another big thing for me was I had just completely repressed anger. So a lot of anger in my household growing up and it was just anger led to reactivity. But when you, it's like you suppress, the whole anger stack. But what anger is connected to is also passion and grit and things that you really care about, and so the real work to me is having that energy online and be a part of you and refining it so I can be passionate about something, but it can be directed in a positive way or for the good, and it's for my good and the good of the world. And I just love what you said about you know, just turning it all off and going back to being shy rather than going OK, let me refine this and find that fine line between grandeur and grandiose, which is such an incredible way to put it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think there's this like really cool and it's nuanced and you get to play with it and you'd be like, oh yeah, I pushed it too far.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yes, I was. I put that thirst trap online so I could get people to like, look at me or get that attention. That's fine, I'm not shaming any of that, but what I had learned in my own journey is that a lot of what I was doing when I was moving through this was my way of navigating through internalized shame, and which is shame, is the emotional signature of not enoughness. And when I kind of shifted that through my spiritual awakening and this journey with God, I actually can now see it through authenticity. And so that is like what you're saying is that, honestly, think about a child. Before they're coded, before they're absorbed all of the programming of this world, they're just singing and dancing, they don't feel self-conscious, they're just in their authentic flair. And I think that part of what we're here to do as spiritual leaders is to return to love, is to return back to the true essence of our divine beingness, which is being fucking fabulous, wearing glitter and like.

Speaker 1:

Chanel. Yes, well, I think about so many of those things lived inside my soul and how sad would it be if I lived my whole life and I never let them come out. You know, oh my goodness, so, so good, so good, and I love when you talk about this. It's okay that you did this, and sometimes I pushed it too far. Do you think not being afraid of that and then being able to self-reflect is an important part of that whole process for you?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I honestly think that for me, where love is really showing up, especially in my creative process right now, but also just like adulting and just learning to navigate the human experience is meeting every aspect of self with love, and so part of it also realizing that I'm this.

Speaker 2:

I'm this, I'm this, I haven't.

Speaker 2:

At the same time, I still get to be like this the fullness of Chris and then I also get to hold awareness to that and be like, okay, cool, let's go in this other direction, right, that was like where we want to go next.

Speaker 2:

And so I think where I'm at now is just like divinity is really just unfolding in such a way where it's like there's no mistakes, like that, and I think that's I had lived under this, like internal shaming, which a lot of gay people do, or, you know, queer kids like is like, oh, you're being too much, or don't stick out, or oh, my God, wear that. Like you're gonna get bullied or whatever, and so some of that like still runs with me when I'm in a board meeting or I'm on stage or I'm speaking. But I think that's just again an opportunity for me to transcend, to move through that with love and to really tell myself again that I am here, as you were saying, to be the fullest version of myself. Am I living in my highest timeline? I think it's such an important thing that all of us really on the spiritual journey are awakening to and asking ourselves, and I think that even that inquiry is really what God is wanting us to do, oh my God, so good.

Speaker 1:

This is that's gonna be the title of this episode. Living your Highest Timeline.

Speaker 2:

Ha, ha, ha ha ha. Love it, yes, and so I. Still, the creation is, you know, we all know that like creation is finished in a sense. But even as it's unfolding here in this timeline, I'm like, oh, there's still more for us to do. And I think that's part of what I'm hoping that the new spiritual conversation is moving toward, is that part of us gets really, as we've transcended our suffering. It's to not just unpack and live there and do shadow work for the rest of our existence on this planet. It's no, it's like you get to be the embodiment of the divine, which means you are creating to the highest levels of expression and prosperity and love and abundance. And so that's why I'm so against anything that sort of is speaking, small-mindedness or lack into people, because I'm like that is not the expression of at least the God that I subscribe to.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that so much and I love what you're saying too about. I mean, that's kind of what I was trying to say earlier. This is what's on the other side of all that healing and all that shadow work, and I feel like sometimes it's like we spend so much time there and then we get so used to looking to the past and looking to the trauma and it's like, okay, there comes a time where you're mostly healed, but now it's fun. Now it gets to be. This is the freedom you I literally yelled that at a class.

Speaker 1:

I did not yell at a class through the day. They were asking it's really heavy questions. I was like you guys, everybody in here, is so advanced. You've all done so much work. You're in control of your energy field, you're in control of your intentions. This is the fun part. Have fun that you get to co-creating with the universe of your life. And they were all like that's business. We've got to get out of that like healing paradigm and into that fully expressed energy and truth of who we are, and I just I feel like that's that to me is who you are. Your presence is that medicine, is that magic to me.

Speaker 2:

So Thank God, thank you. Yeah, there is that sort of insidious part of our ego that's oh, I got to heal this, I got to do more.

Speaker 2:

I got to do one more course, or I need to go do this next thing or whatever, and sometimes there is that right. But when it comes down to it, it's that I had learned this thing through Eckhart, actually just reading his book. He says that the ego recreates the suffering it thinks it deserves. So it's only until you transcend the part of your ego that realizes I don't have to keep suffering by us on the spiritual journey, cause we're, like you know, in the savior.

Speaker 2:

Martyrism it's no, at some point you, it's up to you to transcend. You're holding the key. Walk out of the prison cell. On my awakening, I've walked out of the prison cell and walked right back in because that was what I had known. I just had known suffering. And so the ego remember this. It's like the ego recreates the suffering it thinks it deserves. Once you literally realized my true divine nature does not need to suffer, you get to completely detach from it and move on. Those stories no longer hold their power and they just enjoy it.

Speaker 1:

That was some epic wisdom.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was so good.

Speaker 1:

I've done the same thing. When you're talking about going, going, going, going, I'm like I'm like.

Speaker 2:

I mean I have the gravestones of past exes, ex-boyfriends, to look behind in terms of the suffering that I kept recreating. It's repetition compulsion. It's. I didn't know I was like I don't have to suffer anymore.

Speaker 1:

Oh my goodness, so good, amazing. It's been such a pleasure having you here. I'll ask you in a second, where people can find you, but any final thoughts, any final things you want to share with us?

Speaker 2:

No, I think, like for me just and thank you so much for having me, I told you right before we started recording was like I don't know what's going to come out, but I think it's going to be fun and it's going to be exactly what needs to come out.

Speaker 2:

And for me again, just being able to just be in conversation and in community with people like yourself, to me that's my biggest joy. When I had started my journey in the self-development space, I basically had a silent prayer to God, and it was God. I want to have the coolest spiritual Avenger friends all around the world, and you know he's fulfilled that prayer 10 times over, and so I'm just always in solidarity with people that are doing whatever work at whatever stage in their journey they are at, in that it's not this oh, I have to run up the hill and fucking push this rock up the mountain myself. It's that, actually, when we start to share these conversations, I hope that we're inviting a sense of belonging to something greater than ourselves, and that we are creating a movement of love unlike it's ever been expressed before on the planet, and so I'm just excited and thankful to be able to share this conversation of higher consciousness with you.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my goodness, same thank you. I wasn't sure if I was gonna share this on the podcast or not, but I feel like you just opened the door. So I definitely, as I've been going through my own levels of awakening have been shifting and there's been a lot of changing in the people that are around me and I have been feeling kind of lonely, especially in, like, my real life space, like who I'm actually in. But it's funny, when I was thinking about this, when you're talking about the Poke Bowl, I got into this state the other day just of such gratitude of the people that are in my life, like whether they be online and that you know have come in, and I just ended up like in tears with so much gratitude for the people and you were one of the people that came through. I just really wanna celebrate. You know how grateful I am to have you in my life and how much you've impacted me and how much I just cherish our connection. So it is so felt and yeah, thank you.

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you, babe, and, oh my God, I feel so excited. The Michael Edwards show this is awesome. Oh my goodness, Rob. So thank you so much. Amazing, and where can people find?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm on Instagram at sirchristinanecom, or. At sirchristinanecom is my handle. You can find my music, sir Christopher Stain, on Spotify. You can find just information about me on christenforjakeupstaincom, and just you'll find me. Find me through Michael. We're friends on Instagram.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'll put all your links in the show notes. You guys can check the show notes for more about Chris. So, chris, thank you again. Thank you everyone for joining us and listening today, sending you so much love and bye for now.

Speaker 2:

Bye guys.